I sometimes wonder why you exist

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RWR need lies, bullshoite and conspiracy theories like normal folk need oxygen.
Right wing lying news hosts need gullible viewers with cash to spend.
Fox news has very publicly displayed what gant, gassy and all the other RWR morons, are all about.
Bye bye Tucker, lol.
The only thing i don't like about Fox news is the advertisements.
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Either way you look at it suggests your not getting it.
Oh I'm getting it. The mRNA ones are considered better therefore are the preferred vaccine. I'm not sure what your gut feeling is telling you on this...
The only thing i don't like about Fox news is the advertisements.
They are very generous with their cash. Ask Dominion. Not often you see a star draw like Tucker sacked.
Lies will always bite you in the ass.
What is it about you RWR and lies and liars? Can you never get enough?
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