identity cards.........

Whaaat ! Buy off people who use 'aa''s and stick their fingers into dykes ??
:D :D :D :D :D ;)
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have you noticed that they are coming round to the idea that cards will not be compulsory. No doubt because they can be forged. So what is the point of checking someone is in possession of a totally credible forgery?

The way the system will really work is that there will be a central database of whatever they decide to measure- your eyes, fingerprints, dna. Then every police officer will have his mobile phone/camera/scanner which can flash your picture and send the data directly to the computer. 5 seconds later comes back every detail about you. That is the plan and how it is intended to work.

They will try to make this work. Chances are it will not work very reliably and will cost a fortune. But it will work eventually. Decision to be made is whether we wish the state to have this central collection of every last detail about our lives. Do you want to be automatically identified and logged every single time you walk past the cameras in the high street? Because that is how it will work. That is technologically impossible now, but it will be time for trials on it once they have got this lot running properly.

And how to pay for all this? Why a special new tax levied for 'cards'.
andrew2022 said:
identity cards are like part P.... money making scheme

This is so very true, Why should the everyday man in the street have to pay for what somebody else wants?
identity cards are like part P.... money making scheme

well said an I would get nasty to law over MORE STEALTH TAX

STEALTH TAX =ARSEHOLE,SCUM JUST ACCCEPT "What They think ok for their right /suffering ,having to listen to tax payers bleats .."= Eu PLEASE ACCEPt this 13 £bill ..
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I guess the 'man in the street' in UK has very little purpose except being a conduit or channel for dosh .... Way things are going people on the modal salary, that is, not the average wage, but that which occurs most frequently ... being way below the average £25k Av. we see emphasised, will, very soon be giving up all of their pay to taxes, charges etc ... then HMG will feed them back a less than subsistence allowance by means of benefit ... Thereby ensuring a captive vote.
:cry: :cry:
And hey, they can track you through your mobile phone already. Soon they will also be able to track your car. What difference does it make if they can identify you by camera when you walk down the high street.
pipme said:
I guess the 'man in the street' in UK has very little purpose except being a conduit or channel for dosh .... Way things are going people on the modal salary, that is, not the average wage, but that which occurs most frequently ... being way below the average £25k Av. we see emphasised, will, very soon be giving up all of their pay to taxes, charges etc ... then HMG will feed them back a less than subsistence allowance by means of benefit ... Thereby ensuring a captive vote.
:cry: :cry:
Don't quite see the logic there Pip, surely any government that forced you onto the breadline and then onto benefits would certainly not get your vote but would merely be giving your vote to the opposition, this all goes back to having to pay out for things, it's gone on since capatilism first started, with whatever government that has been in, it's a simple fact, if you want to live in a society then you have to contribute to the infrastrucure of it, of course only those able to can do so.
So if you can but don't want to, then you have to think hard whether living in a civilised society is really what you wish, how about a commune? Your not too old for that Pip ;)