Imagine A World Without Religion

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No objection to women having control over their own bodies but it’s when they want control over bodies which aren't their own, raises concern.
Until a baby is born it is part of the woman’s body and the woman must have 100% control.

My daughter lost a child through miscarriage , she was very upset.
That has zilch to do with the abortion argument.

Why should a child pay the price.
Kill the rapist and spare the child
It’s for the woman to decide, not you a stale aging man with an attitude about abortion that’s 75 years out of date.

And it’s not a child
There’s no such thing as an unborn child or unborn baby. Pre birth it is a foetus.
Religion? Superstition for the feeble.
If you put a load of chemicals in a bucket, add some sparks for energy and leave for long enough, you get life,
no hocus-pocus required.

If a woman doesn't want a foetus and you think it has to be supported, you can have them all. You'll have to pay. OK?
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The Catholic Church has its own education system to keep control of its flock.
The Jesuits have a saying.
'Get the child before eight or else it is too late'.
I used to think they were referring to the kids education.
Now I'm not too sure.
Last century stuff I suspect, but every western based religion is rules based, its as much about how you interpret and apply the rules as their content.
They said the same about abortion .
When first legalised , it was a case of, don't worry, it will be very strictly controlled.
Today, abortion is just another form of birth control, women can go to a chemist and get an abortion pill to take at home.
No, not even close
My daughter lost a child through miscarriage
That's very sad. She has my sympathies. However, nothing to do with abortion or a woman not wanting to be pregnant.

Their body their choice. A woman should be able to chose whether she wants to have a baby. The morning after pill is ideal in making that choice.
They said the same about abortion .
When first legalised , it was a case of, don't worry, it will be very strictly controlled.
Today, abortion is just another form of birth control, women can go to a chemist and get an abortion pill to take at home.
young people get pizzed and women get pregnant
thats reality

deal with it and stop whining

pro lifers really a bore
Until a baby is born it is part of the woman’s body and the woman must have 100% control.
That's very sad. She has my sympathies. However, nothing to do with abortion or a woman not wanting to be pregnant.

Their body their choice. A woman should be able to chose whether she wants to have a baby. The morning after pill is ideal in making that choice.
Do you really mean the above?

i.e. a Woman should have the right to abort a 30 week pregnancy?
who cares only idiots and bigots or idiotic bigots are anti abortion
The current legislation is full of references to child and children in pregnancy before they are born. You might be confusing the term with its medical use.
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