Imagine A World Without Religion

Vinty joins a long line of women hating religious nutters that trample on the rights of women
I could accuse you of being a child hater but I won't.
I just think you need to Brush up on basic biology.
I don't hate women either.
My mother was one.
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What does the law of averages say about Turkeys voting for Christmas.
Lots of examples.

Back to the original point, why does any God punish any child with disabilities but let bad criminals etc inflict pain and suffering with no "gods will" ?
A bit of progress.
You admit that a life is ended.
Society is full of unwanted lives.
Just let's hope you or I don't fall into that category some day.
A potential unwanted life is avoided. The thing being aborted is inside the woman, not a baby, you got that wrong.
Yes there are loads of unwanted lives, plenty in prisons.
Are you going to pretend you care about everyone? Let's quantify it - how much would you pay to avoid some kid in the middle of Africa being aborted? Or to keep an unwanted baby alive? Sell your car would you? Your house??
Lennon claimed the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.
The Lord shall not be mocked.
Divine retribution?

At least there is proof that the Beatles existed...

So are you suggesting that Chapman was instructed by an imaginary friend to commit murder?

If so the imaginary friend is a homicidal maniac...

Best you look back at your own argument before you compound your stupidity ;)
Two years ago, as weekly worshippers re-emerged after Covid, church statisticians were desperate to see if they would return at least to their 2019 numbers, when about 854,000 people turned out to church. In 2023, that figure was just 685,000. Put another way, 169,000 weekly worshippers have vanished over a four-year period. Fewer people now go to their parish church than attend a local mosque or a Catholic mass. It is all very well for bishops to urge the church to stop worrying over “targets” and “growth” – to leave the planning to God and stick to praying. But the decline in attendance is relentless. At the turn of the century, 1 million people went to church each year; in 1980, the number was 1.3 million. Since cathedral worship is rising, something is clearly going wrong with parish churches, even under the present evangelical archbishop, Justin Welby. It cannot simply be that ever fewer Britons are professing the Christian faith, as is the case across Europe.

the Guardian
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