Immigration and the tories

( In the hope of pushing this debate onto the 18th page)I think he's not joking and is serious about cohabitating with you Richard! very strange!
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Richardp wrote.

p.s don't worry I'm not fussy you,d have to be a nasty piece of work for me to reject you

Not much point in me asking then. :LOL:
Here we go then, Tone has read the papers -- media has him by the nose again --- oh, "Immigration ! we had better do something" Just watch and listen to the Labour waffle as they attempt to convince us they'll do something -- When they have no real intention to do anything at all !! We have been here before with crime -- what do we get ? speed cameras !! And a calender to measure Police responce times. Labour lied about Iraq and will continue to do so --- smiling man says what people want to hear but thinks, and does otherwise !!
Time for change !!
You can't win with some people :rolleyes: Labour is doing something about the problem and still people moan!
Twas Tony Baloney the imitation Prime Minister who once said :-
.... that refusing to play politics with immigration was part of his "irreducible core": "I just can't do it," he assured Labour activists, with a little catch in his voice. But, four years on, Mr Blair has evidently glanced at the opinion polls and identified immigration as his weakest spot.
I remembered him saying that !!
He is, what he is -- and we all know after WMD's exactly what that is !! How much more proof is needed ?

..... Not for the first time, Mr Blair's words bear little relation to his Government's actions. The issue he is addressing - the surge in the number of legal immigrants - is almost wholly of his own creation.
Two years ago, he incautiously told an interviewer that his Government would halve the number of asylum claims within months. In order to fulfil this commitment, Labour doubled the number of work permits being issued, so that migrants no longer had to claim refugee status to remain in Britain. Now, scuttling to catch up with public opinion, the Prime Minister is essentially promising to reverse his own policy.
That he should be doing so at all is none the less a handsome compliment to the Tory leader, Michael Howard.
If he does not stand up and admit that then he is not our leader !

Sorry Kendor, I admire your desire for fairness etc --- But at what cost ?

Tone forgets, he says too much, thinking 'sound bites' -- quickly forgotten, but we do not all forget, more and more people are thinking for themselves.
Labour pours money down the drain, reality !!
I am willing to bet that the economic situation in GB is more down to luck than judgement --- We shall see !! ;)
Ah, I forgot he has re-employed another non - elected- entity old Ally-Stir the one who pondered "..How will Tony manage without me ?" A neat little knife in the back for being bunged out of the lifeboat .. As I saw it ...
;) :cry: :cry: :cry:
Shame on you Pip for thinking that any party will fulfill all their manifesto proposals we are sensible enough to know it's all just speal before an election , but point i was making was that labour has countered the tory immigration pledge and still you are not happy, remember that the original post that kicked it all off was not the immigration policies themselves just the hypocritical stance that Howard was taking.
Since when have we given a XXXX for the original Post ? ..Just like the Govn mate ... do our own thing, bu##er the rest !! ;)
Tony Blair has puff-ball hair. What kind of a policy is that? :rolleyes:
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