But the Govn looks at things this way:- Allow 'em (us) to get into unmanageable debt .. now any one with more than one lobe will desist.
But the Govn looks at the total debt, calcs it per head of population and reasons that we are a bunch of to ssers, quite unable to reason twixt sense and insensiblility, hanging or no hanging -- So things stay the same including the increasing rate of overall taxation, feathers flying and geese not hissing -- too busy watching reality tv at the local 24 hr pizzhouse ---- Plenty more to come, believe it !!

But the Govn looks at the total debt, calcs it per head of population and reasons that we are a bunch of to ssers, quite unable to reason twixt sense and insensiblility, hanging or no hanging -- So things stay the same including the increasing rate of overall taxation, feathers flying and geese not hissing -- too busy watching reality tv at the local 24 hr pizzhouse ---- Plenty more to come, believe it !!