Immigration and the tories

But the Govn looks at things this way:- Allow 'em (us) to get into unmanageable debt .. now any one with more than one lobe will desist.
But the Govn looks at the total debt, calcs it per head of population and reasons that we are a bunch of to ssers, quite unable to reason twixt sense and insensiblility, hanging or no hanging -- So things stay the same including the increasing rate of overall taxation, feathers flying and geese not hissing -- too busy watching reality tv at the local 24 hr pizzhouse ---- Plenty more to come, believe it !!
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Richardp said:
masona said:
What I don't understand is wherever I go, who ever I speak to in difference places, I haven't met anyone that support Labour or anything that's good about them. Is it because most people can't be bother or do I need to travel further? :LOL:
It is strange its like most people are in favour of bringing back hanging, yet us "do gooders" seem to have the upper hand even though we are in the minority, the "do badders"would have us back living in the dark ages and as they are the majority why aren't we? it just shows that good always overcomes bad what ever the odds, kinda reassuring isn't it? :D
You call it Good overcoming Bad but i'd call it Common Sense overcoming Irationality.
So its the Tories against immigrants is it?

2. What is the History of IAS?
IAS was created in 1993 out of the former United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service (UKIAS: established in 1970) as an independent organisation publicly funded under the 1971 Immigration Act to provide free advice and representation to persons with rights of appeal against refusal of their applications. Together with UKIAS, therefore, IAS has over 30 years’ experience of helping those facing immigration and asylum difficulties. On 1 November 1993 Keith Best became IAS’ first Chief Executive. We now have 16 UK offices and one in Sylhet, Bangladesh and more than 300 staff.

3. The services offered – all are free to those eligible
IAS gives free advice and assistance on all immigration, asylum and nationality issues to persons in the UK and abroad eligible for Legal Help and Controlled Legal Representation and we present appeals against refusal decisions for all who have a right of appeal. We can take cases to the higher courts by way of appeal and judicial review.
Despite our objections, the Government ended thirty-three years of a free service for all our clients as from 1 April 2004. Consequently, from that date (1 March in Leicester), we have to make charges for our services (available at present only in certain offices) for those clients who are not financially eligible for a free service. That is why we have to ask our clients about their financial means. These charges are based only on the cost to us of providing the service. We do not make any commercial profit out of the charges and we keep them as low as possible for the assured quality service that we give. You can see if you may be eligible for a free service by clicking here to access the Community Legal Service's

Now my maths aren't the best so I would welcome a bit of help here. Who was in power for most of this period? and who was in power in 2004?
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david and julie said:
So its the Tories against immigrants is it?

2. What is the History of IAS?
IAS was created in 1993 out of the former United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service (UKIAS: established in 1970) as an independent organisation publicly funded under the 1971 Immigration Act to provide free advice and representation to persons with rights of appeal against refusal of their applications. Together with UKIAS, therefore, IAS has over 30 years’ experience of helping those facing immigration and asylum difficulties. On 1 November 1993 Keith Best became IAS’ first Chief Executive. We now have 16 UK offices and one in Sylhet, Bangladesh and more than 300 staff.

3. The services offered – all are free to those eligible
IAS gives free advice and assistance on all immigration, asylum and nationality issues to persons in the UK and abroad eligible for Legal Help and Controlled Legal Representation and we present appeals against refusal decisions for all who have a right of appeal. We can take cases to the higher courts by way of appeal and judicial review.
Despite our objections, the Government ended thirty-three years of a free service for all our clients as from 1 April 2004. Consequently, from that date (1 March in Leicester), we have to make charges for our services (available at present only in certain offices) for those clients who are not financially eligible for a free service. That is why we have to ask our clients about their financial means. These charges are based only on the cost to us of providing the service. We do not make any commercial profit out of the charges and we keep them as low as possible for the assured quality service that we give. You can see if you may be eligible for a free service by clicking here to access the Community Legal Service's

Now my maths aren't the best so I would welcome a bit of help here. Who was in power for most of this period? and who was in power in 2004?
my god that is so boreing.
Yes David, don't confuse the matter by quoting facts ;)
Howard's potential cabinet? Might as well be so.

:cry: :cry:
pipme said:
Howard's potential cabinet? Might as well be so.

:cry: :cry:
I don't think he'd have that many women (if any) in his cabinet after his scare with Ann Widdecombe.
Richardp said:
pipme said:
Howard's potential cabinet? Might as well be so.

:cry: :cry:
I don't think he'd have that many women (if any) in his cabinet after his scare with Ann Widdecombe.
I see howard the coward has the tory party behind him in the picture, What do you mean they're a bunch of actors behind him? I rest my case :LOL: :LOL:
Howard's 'IIlegal Immigrant' Grandfather
Conservative leader reveals his Romanian grandfather may have entered the UK illegally and that his father lied when he applied for British citizenship
This is the sort of person we should trust with our country!! I think not, a traiter to his grandfather like Portillo was another traiter to his father's memory as a Spanish socialist who had fled Franco.
Yes, but what about Tony Blair's father... What, you don't know who he was?

Neither did Tony's mother... :LOL:

I think not, a traiter to his grandfather like Portillo was another traiter to his father's memory as a Spanish socialist who had fled Franco

That bit really makes no sense, I've had to read it several times. Under a Tory government children learn grammar and punctuation. ;)

Are you saying that because Portillo's grandfather was a socialist, Portillo should be a socialist too? Surely that denies free-thought. My grandfather was a lifelong Labour voter, in fact he worked in the pits. Me being a Tory does not make me a traitor to my grandfather's memory.
Oh dear silly me, yes your right Adam soooorry. you lovely tory person you. :confused:

"Richardp wrote:
would,nt it be boring if we was all of the same opinions the same political persuasions and stuff, what if we all agreed? would,nt life be dull. I bet even tories don,t like dull.
Adam wrote
Go and eat some lentils, y'socialist hippy!
he also wrote:
For chrissakes Richard, pi** off you boring little man! Can we have one, just ONE thread where you don't get all Ben Elton on us. Please, keep the political debate to the political threads. This is about labour costs, as in pounds per hour, not about what Labour has cost us.
I have never resorted to posting like this before, but you really are starting to grate. I've mentioned whinging socialists before, please prove me wrong by by being a socialist who DOESN'T whinge and whine about the Tories all the time. Your lot has had two terms in power, you can't blame the Tories any more! .
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