Immigration and the tories

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you really can't beat a good moan, I went up to my local 'working mans club' to have a pint with me old man and catch up on the gossip, he,s there with his mates knocking back the pints, smoking the capstan full strength and pumping money into the one armed bandit like its going out of fashion, they are all moaning about the cost of living, how it was better in the good olds days even the ciggys don't taste as good,and women are too skinny, it was great I had a really good afternoon and it was nice to spend some quality time with me old dad.
Scoby_Beasley said:
masona said:
Good idea :!: but then they knows how many hasn't bother to vote don't they?
Quite right masona, the ones whos " voices must be heard" realise that no b*****r listening !!"
Option,,, Emigrate as fast as you can, stop being screwed !!
(Now I'm being cynical... honest but cynical)
That would certainly ease the problems :)
Richardp said:
I went up to my local 'working mans club' to have a pint with me old man

Are you a filleted? :D (maybe that's just a Silksworth thing!)
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I must have caught dickslicksear, thats one of the problems with "sex with strangers" :oops:
we need to get back to pre ww2 ideals and do away with all this politically correct crap i dont want any refugees near me and me and my ( sort) mates will make any of them totally unwelcome to a level most of you would call barbaric
Unless you have felt them breathin down your neck and had them( FUGEES) living near you then dont say we need them because we need them like a hole in the head talking of holes in the head seems to me that would stop them coming here and i may add passing more then 1 friendly country in the process
Shoot the bas.tards where they stand one and all

Britain for the british

or do you lot want to learn the koran and live in a muslim run society
Richardp said:
spoken like a true blue tory!!
Maybe but can anyone honestly tell me how many more can come into this country please because I want to stop paying my private treatment for my health which I cannot wait for on the NHS which I'm still paying into it.

Tony Blair: I would cut immigration coming here.

Charles Clarke: I want more immigration here.

I give up

Vote Labour!
masona, I don't know which party would be best for you but I'm not relying on any of them doing anything for the national health service, I think its a millstone around any governments kneck but they don't have the balls to admit, its still better than most countrys in the world.
What use is UK Govn now ? A flurry of activity and wooly words which sound like promises but are not every 4 yrs or so, then back for more of the same.
Are we not totally bored and fed up with the whole charade ?
I reckon Tone will fall perhaps not so much on memories of WMD, he may forget we should not ... But Europe referendum looms, I bet he and his henchmen are busily compiling the wording to totally obscure or obfuscate the real meaning of a 'yes, no' vote... be it right or wrong I have a feeling that the result would not be cut and dried, and he is sh it scared of that.
More power to the do-badders, vote Slogger X you know it makes sense, got a bit of a ring about it that.
david and julie said:
More power to the do-badders, vote Slogger X you know it makes sense, got a bit of a ring about it that.
I don't believe for one moment that you agree with what he said.infact I know you don't. :confused:
Richardp said:
masona, I don't know which party would be best for you
Like you haven't got much choice :!: :cry:
Richardp said:
I'm not relying on any of them doing anything for the national health service, I think its a millstone around any governments kneck but they don't have the balls to admit,
Yes, you're right but why doesn't any party care? It was Mr Blair that sacked over 50% cleaners in hospital that is now killing over 6000 people per year and at the same time Labour created 141,000 pointless job in the Guardian newspaper just to make the figures looks good.
Richardp said:
its still better than most countrys in the world.
I would say not many because published a year ago, they recognised that the UK lagged behind many European countries and including poorer countries in its cancer survival rates.
Yep! sorry masona, I didn't really express myself well, I was sort of thinking about it in terms of World poverty and the percentage that we have compared to the majority but I agree its getting off the beaten track abit.
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