Immigration and the tories

this D&J is either a wind up merchant or very very stupid i'm beginning to think it's the latter.
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Richardp said:
Adolf Hitler was probarbly a nice bloke to his mates and he had a legitimate polical party and I seem to remember that he didn't like the Jewish community.

Hitler .... was able to lead the cleverest nation in europe maybe even the world, down the road to ultimate destruction ..... I often have an uncomfortable feeling that there were real issues in the Germany of that era, which the people saw him fixing for them ---- Better not to have been placed in such a position in the first instance !!

hopefully that'll never happen again Pip the majority are sensible people and someone like AH would never get to power again....... Hopefully!
I totally agree Pip. Extreme times result in extreme politics. So, better to avoid the situation in the first place.

M Howard said something along the lines of "Rather than ignore extremist parties, we must prove to the people that their propaganda has no basis." If overimmigration caused no problems, people wouldn't have a problem with it. Also, it is something that is a lot easier to solve than the other problems we face (and is also part of the cause of some of the other problems).

The most tragic thing is, there are people in the world who NEED our support, but they won't get it because we are wasting our efforts on people who have no need, just they want to live in a country where cars have airconditioning and we have big tellies (a trivialisation, but that is what it is... trading an acceptable standard of living for a slightly higher one, at the expense of others).
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Who would have thought -- Falklands, Afghanistan, Iraq ... Soon no doubt to be Iran too, they've pulled the Tiggers tail enough and are due a slap or three from the super power -- well deserved !!

this D&J is either a wind up merchant or very very stupid i'm beginning to think it's the latter

Why what have I said to warrant this remark?
pipme said:
Better not to have been placed in such a position in the first instance !!


After The Great War, massive reparations were required from the victors (i.e. the allies). Economic chaos as Germany effectively paid for the war twice. Was fair enough, in the most simplistic of terms, "they started it".

After WWII, they decided that wasn't quite such a good idea and promoted unity (i.e. what is now the EU), and it seems to have worked in that we haven't had a war in western Europe in a good many years (Cold War doesn't really count).
david and julie said:
this D&J is either a wind up merchant or very very stupid i'm beginning to think it's the latter

Why what have I said to warrant this remark?

You had the audacity to have a different viewpoint to someone else ;)
Nice bit of stirring Adam but I think it was a reaction to being called "pathetic and childish".
Nice bit of stirring Adam but I think it was a reaction to being called "pathetic and childish".

And when did I call kendor pathetic and childish? richardp.
this D&J is either a wind up merchant or very very stupid i'm beginning to think it's the latter.

You haven't displayed that yet though, have you kendor? All you have done is tried a pathetic insult and attempted to be dictatorial and condescending.

I glad you have started to think though, when you can do it properly perhaps we can all have a reasoned debate.
Not all of us have such narrow, misguided, and misplaced thinking as you D&J. Thank God!
O.K guys time for a group hug and make up we all agree that the tories are scum! only joking I mean that we all agree with freedom of speech and that's the great thing about this site we can all express our differences without falling out.
Richard.. Freedom of speech is what it is all about and is what Michael Howard is exercising. He said nothing racist or otherwise and only mentioned his own background in an attemp to justify his comments, without being called racist. You and kendor are both entitled to your views but you should read any remarks fully before commenting. kendor is dictatorial and argumentative he also can't offer reasoned debate. Have a read of this c**p comment from him and you will see what I mean.

the point being that the BNP are not to be taken seriously like the Raving loonies they are, unless of course their race hatred causes others so minded to start to listen to their rantings then they need to be controlled.
It's the gullible and simple minded individuals that fall for their loathsome promises.

Consider the highlighted parts of his comments and also consider your own about freedom off speech.

He says they are not taken seriously which is rot, every other party is concerned about them.

Their rantings need to be controlled :eek: So kendors democracy is control whoever you disagree with. Does that sound similar to AH?

It's the gullible and simple minded individuals that fall for their loathsome promises. What next thought police? your not clever enough to make up your own mind so don't matter. Condescending I would say.

I have no gripe with you richard but you should read kendors comments thoroughly before agreeing with him. The truth is many people are concerned about these issues and do want it out in the open. The Tories may well be liars, but they have said immigration is 3 times higher since 1997 and Labour have not refuted these figures.
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