Richardp said:so yes Hitler's Nazi party was legitimate so if we could go back in time should we do anything to stop that legitimate party from committing the horrors of ww2 ?
Why is it that any time someone says anything vaguely to the right of centre, someone will come along and attempt to draw analogies with Hitler? I mean seriously, he was a vegetarian too. Would you regard "Hitler was a vegetarian" as a good argument against vegetarianism?!
This does of course work both ways... Richard, am I correct in thinking that on a traditional one-dimensional political scale you hang to the left of centre. Does that mean you supports the actions and policies of that famous left-winger Stalin? He killed 10s of millions of people. He actually killed more people than the whole of WW1, WW2 including the holocaust, and all the smaller wars of the 20th century, combined. Left-wingers, all alike. Anyone who votes left of centre must think starving Ukraine is a good idea.
As it happens, the Nazi party were legitimate leaders WHEN THEY CAME TO POWER. What they did was absolutely despicable, and nowadays would be illegal under current international law. We can always look back and decide we should have done things differently.
And I am certain that if we don't put a reign on the torrent, then when we are even more crowded, with high unemployment, a forgotten culture and haemorrhaging money out of every orifice to pay for this "good will", we will look back and wonder why the hell we didn't do anything.