Immigration and the tories

The war machine provides jobs and industry in this country. The taxes the WORKERS and the companies pay go back into the economy so in real terms the government is not really spending anything. NHS. The money provided comes fron NI contributions. Less NI contributors and more takers worse service. More people here with HIV, Hepitius etc are more of a drain on the resources both financially and on personnel. And by the way, Her Majestys forces only shoot the heads off of muppets.

So then If WE STOPPED or at least stringently controlled who comes in, Those who live here will be providing for those who live here. . There is no respect for our way of life anymore. We are now seen as a soft touch, hence the millions flocking here on a free meal ticket.
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Dipstick(formerly known as jasy) said:
The war machine provides jobs and industry in this country. The taxes the WORKERS and the companies pay go back into the economy so in real terms the government is not really spending anything. NHS. The money provided comes fron NI contributions. Less NI contributors and more takers worse service. More people here with HIV, Hepitius etc are more of a drain on the resources both financially and on personnel. And by the way, Her Majestys forces only shoot the heads off of muppets.

So then If WE STOPPED or at least stringently controlled who comes in, Those who live here will be providing for those who live here. . There is no respect for our way of life anymore. We are now seen as a soft touch, hence the millions flocking here on a free meal ticket.
Lets get it straight the war machine does nothing but cause trouble in other countries and is a Huge drain on the countries resources but i don't expect a dipstick to understand.
dare i dip my toe in the water here?? oh well in for a penny in for a pound. Is not what michael Howards suggesting what the Australians have been doing for years succesfully to protect their country, culture and resources? (admitidly they do advertise on the telly in close likely immigrant countries, saying their shores are croc infested so don't bother...don't think the french would fall for it though)

One more thing to throw in the fire, but i did hear a report yesterday on the radio that a 1/3 of all new houses being built under the government plans that are eating up areas of green belt, will be to house immigrant numbers.

Im not casting a doubt on the validity and the reasoning of some coming here, and i have also seen the detremental effect that many have had on towns along the south coast, but surely there must come a point where you have to look as a nation at what you have and what you can supply to the population eg public services etc.

Oh well off to berrate myself with a bass broom before someone else does on here.

Oh and Jasy it wasn't just muppets, but we shot Ivans, Krauts, er no lets not go any further!!!

Some valid points Thermo one point that i'd like to address is that if the services are stretched then more investment is needed as i said in the other post lets spend the money where it's needed, not on the armed services.
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Hi therms, yes but muppets were shot at from the 400m point on the range ( theres one on here by the way, watch out he is very intelligent) :LOL:
So who decide when UK is full up, when we can't move or taxes to the hilt ? At least Michael Howard is coming up with some idea in which Tony Blair has admitted he has no idea how many has enter in this country.
Richardp said:
Well I could tell you which political party I voted for but hell that could be the start to other personal questions like my religion,colour of my skin sexual orientation. etc

You could tell us that, but no-one asked you that! I was merely illustrating how it is incorrect to start bringing Hitler into arguments against right-of-centre parties, simply by showing the same for left-of-centre parties and their historical nutter figure.

I just can't be a**ed with this discussion anymore, on one side we have those of us who see it as a problem which will get worse if we don't do something about it.

On the other side we have those who appear to believe in some kind of economic diffusion, i.e. move people around until everything is equally c**p everywhere in the world.

Then, dancing naked around Stonehenge in tinted specs, we have Richard who can't see what the fuss is about cos it's all only posessions anyway, and you can't, like, own things, man. :LOL: ;)

The only solution I can see that will satisfy all of us is if the whole asylum system is changed so that people can choose to "adopt" an asylum seeker. You could choose what country you take them from, depending on if you think they are in genuine need or not. If you don't give a t*ss about what is (or isn't) happening in that country, you aren't paying for the upkeep of someone 'fleeing' a regime that really isn't a problem. :rolleyes:

Oh, and we also need some more Pringles for Richard, he appears to be getting the munchies now. :p
Come on, lets give kendor a break, he said this of which the highlighted part is true.

welcome back jas, missed you hun
You say that the people that have come over here have bled the NHS dry? don't think so it's the lack of funding i think you'll find.
You say that Michael Howard has balls, yep i agree with that they must be in his head with the drivel he spouts.
You mention that immigration is the most important thing in this country, It may be to you,but i don't remember seeing a referendum on the subject and the majority of the population agreeing with your comment so get real! and i think it's you that needs to lay off the fairy dust mate!

So with this in mind I suggest the dotnot party and this is our first referendum. It goes like this .

Do you think Michael Howard is right to bring this issue into public debate?

Lets keep things simple for these people.

It's the gullible and simple minded individuals that fall for their loathsome promises.

As said by kendor, indeed, also for all our lesser intelligence audience.

So it is a simple yes/no vote.

I will start this off I say YES michaell Howard is right. What about the rest of you?
Thanks Adam and welcome to the dotnot party. We only really want sensible and open minded people such as yourself in our party. With that in mind our membership may be low.(well two people low)(sorry not real people)(sorry to**ers). Sorry, but you know what we mean.

This was a party party political broadcast on behalf of the dotnot party.
david and julie said:
So it is a simple yes/no vote.

I will start this off I say YES michaell Howard is right. What about the rest of you?
Can't really see what holding a mini referendum on this forum will achieve apart from getting a result we know the answer to before we start, same as if i went to a BNP meeting and asked for a show of hands of who would like to go and kick a few foreigners heads in??! the membership here is not diverse enough going by the replies so far so it has a nasty smell of tory dirty tricks methinks. :)
What we need is a national referendum and i think we will get the voters viewpoint when the general election is over.
Technically if it is three (counting David AND Julie) ;)

so far so it has a nasty smell of tory dirty tricks methinks

S**T, they're on to me! Quick Maggie, to the Bluemobile!
david and julie said:
Thanks Adam and welcome to the dotnot party. We only really want sensible and open minded people such as yourself in our party. With that in mind our membership may be low.(well two people low)(sorry not real people)(sorry to**ers). Sorry, but you know what we mean.

This was a party party political broadcast on behalf of the dotnot party.
Ah, i was right! typical tory thinking , if you don't think and have the same viewpoint like us then you are not "sensible and open minded" yeah very sensible and intelligent thinking that!
why don't the tories just admit they would rather buy their way into number 10 as they have no chance otherwise. :) what next will they think of to gain votes a public flogging of all immigrants and take away the housing of all that don't vote tory at the next election :LOL:
No toss pot you have it wrong, we are the dotnot party.

Once again you are showing your ignorance kendor! can you no understand our lingo! can you no understand the queens?

btw, did you register a yes or a no?
david and julie said:
No toss pot you have it wrong, we are the dotnot party.

Once again you are showing your ignorance kendor! can you no understand our lingo! can you no understand the queens?

btw, did you register a yes or a no?
I can't understand your lingo as you don't talk much sense only cr*p! mind you i unsderstood the lame attempt at trying to get my back up by calling me toss pot, surely someone with as many brain cells as you(more than 2? doubt it) can come up with something better. So i lay down the gauntlet, you have all night to think up some more of your banal and childish names to throw at me, i'm off to bed night children (shouldn't you have been in bed hours ago?)
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