Immigration and the tories

Goodnight kendor.

Youv'e not voted yet. don't blame anybody else if the vote goes against you.

btw, I have access to freebie KY for your rounded crimbo tree stump, wouldn't like you to hurt the hugger.
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My god! what's been happening here Kendor? looks like you've been set on by a pack of wolves,
Oh, and we also need some more Pringles for Richard, he appears to be getting the munchies now
well actually mate I do have a job to go to, you know keep the wolves from the door.I think your behavour here has been dispicable ok so you all like mr Howard, well you havnt done his cause much good here
david and julie wrote:
No toss pot you have it wrong, we are the dotnot party
well sir I think its you thats wrong you should call it the "yob party." because thats what you've been acting should all be ashamed of yourselves and apologies are in order but that'll take more guts than you Bully boys have got.
Sorry for what richardp?

Sorry for not understanding a left leaning man who is against property ownership but has bought a house and wants rights to the land under it? who feels sorry for the poor in the world but travels business class because he can afford it? who has kids but wants to hug men? who admits he would of liked to find drugs in luggage?

Are you sure its us thats mixed up richard?
Well reading thro your posts its obvoius to me that you are a thoughly nasty piece of work,you should take a good look at yourself,your a coward you spead hate and I'll not bother talking to you anymore incase I catch some of it.
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They reckon the truth always hurts richard, if you can't take it, don't give it.
Good morning kendor, don't forget to clean your teeth and to wash behind your wet little ears, thats a good little boy.
How can I stop the useless barstewards who turn in our cul de sac and hit my frig ging concrete gate posts !!!! I have two entrances, side by side, both a good width -- if I, and even the wife, can get cars between the posts why cannot the bu##ers turning around do the same ----
When we moved in, Pickfords backed their Pantechnicon into the drive in one manoeuver !!
"£$%^&*"£ :mad:~@{+_ 's

Your are of course right pip, this topic is dragging out and going nowhere. We should all give up and change it really. :LOL:

No suggestions on the gate posts though.
Am Googling for Kalashnikov right now .... roll of 'lectric tape, five spare mags, and a tea towel for the bonce, plus a small can of white emulsion, a bag of sand and a twig. ;)

Get the wife started on the slit trenches later ---- :idea:
Richardp said:
I think your behavour here has been dispicable

Blimey, what a reaction to my light-hearted post. I was only calling you a hippy, for chrissakes! :LOL: Which is a lot less offensive than putting in such dross as "Hitler's mates probably thought he was a nice bloke".
Hitler, and my gate posts, have something in common, all three are well and truly 'intercoursed' right now.
Don't worry richardp i can handle myself and besides i'm really enjoying seeing how wound up D&J and jasy have become they have really lost it :LOL: :LOL: I havn't had such a laugh in ages, not since the day old Maggie T caught her left t*t in the mangle :LOL:
kendor said:
Maggie T caught her left t*t in the mangle :LOL:

You really know how to put someone off their afternoon biscuits, you know that? :LOL:
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