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Terrorist's are only terrorist's to the population's who feel terrorised by them, Hamas is a regional terrorist organisation in that they don't export their terrorism abroad
Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand want world caliphate, although they would probably settle for a middle Eastern one Mostly in he Area of the old Ottoman empire.
Hamas are terrorist organisation

Bunch of gangsters who remain in power by terrorising there own population or those under there control

Same as most of the fruit cake regimes in the Middle East
When was the last time you felt threatened by Hamas as opposed to Islamic fundamentalists.
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I havent bothered answering because it isnt relevant.
Same old, same old...

That pathetic tactic has long lost you all of that very slim veneer of credibility of yours!
Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organisation by the Yanks ,yet the same organisation was involved in the campaign against Islamic state in Iraq and Syria.
if they kill innocent childrrn, women and men in their pursuit of the cause, they are still committing an act of terrorism.

If you truly believe that, you will be hard pressed to find a nation or armed force that is not terrorist.
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There is a popular perception that organisations headed by people with Brown faces are a direct threat to Britain.
Some are but others arn't
It doesnt have to be 'everybody'.
There is is certainly official recognition of Hamas being classed as terrorist:

The military wing of Hamas, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, has been listed as aterrorist entity since 2010. Under the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Government of Canada currently lists Hamas as a terrorist entity, thus establishing it as a terrorist group, since 2002

The EU designated Hamas as a terrorist group from 2003.
How many attacks has hamas carried out in the UK or Europe as opposed to the IRA ?
The Europeans are reaping what they have sown, down the years countries like Belgium have refused to extradite IRA terrorist's to the UK , instead they have sent them them to the Irish Republic where they know they cant be extradited to the UK.
Now the same scum are complaining about terrorism. **** them.
Terrorist's are only terrorist's to the population's who feel terrorised by them, Hamas is a regional terrorist organisation in that they don't export their terrorism abroad
Islamic fundamentalists on the other hand want world caliphate, although they would probably settle for a middle Eastern one Mostly in he Area of the old Ottoman empire.

When was the last time you felt threatened by Hamas as opposed to Islamic fundamentalists.

Never felt threatened by either tbh

Then again I would not want to visit or go to any of these countries that are run by religious fruit cakes or gangsters/ dictaters

Greece , Spain , Portugal & Romania were dictatorships / military juntas 30 or 40 years ago
Torturing and executing there own citezins

All stalwarts of the EU now :LOL:
Never felt threatened by either tbh

Then again I would not want to visit or go to any of these countries that are run by religious fruit cakes or gangsters/ dictaters

Greece , Spain , Portugal & Romania were dictatorships / military juntas 30 or 40 years ago
Torturing and executing there own citezins

All stalwarts of the EU now :LOL:
They have exchanged one dictatorship for an other.
Britain should be a sovereign independent state,any wars we get involved in should be in the interest of the nation as a whole.
Personally I have no problem with a no deal Brexit, Historically whether it was Napoleon with his version of the EU which he called the continental system or Hitler and his ****** they both ended up the same ,****ed.
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It is incredibly relevant. It could not be more relevant.

If you cannot define what "terrorist" means then how can you call someone a "terrorist"?

This question has nothing to do with Hamas:

But I think we can guess why you are so reluctant to answer it

You are deflecting the argument using pedantry and semantics.

Hamas have been officially defined as terrorists by official organisations.

Somebody that approves of Hamas is therefore pro terrorist. My point is therefore true, I am correct, you are wrong. simples :ROFLMAO:

I dont need to prove a definition of what is a terrorist nor do I need to prove if its worldwide terrorism or not.

You are welcome to believe you are right if it satisfies your belief of superiority (y)
You're still more likely to be stabbed by a white chav in many parts of the UK than anybody else, and this is only going to get worse while the country wastes time and money on Brexit, rather than investing in policing and social welfare. And here were are, in another Brexit thread that has somehow turned into a discussion about global terrorism - highlighting a false threat to create a smokescreen to a potentially terrible political idea.

Remember, not so long ago we were training to be "terrorists" - Dad's army was essentially a series of local militia groups trained in roadside explosives, ambush tactics and other guerrilla warfare tactics in the event of a German land invasion (Dad's Army was largely formed by Marxist Tom Wintringham). These overseas organisations that we despise are only groups of people fighting for what they believe is their land.

If Russia invaded the UK in 2025, would you sit back and let them walk over us? I doubt it.

Nothing is ever black and white.
Hamas have been officially defined as terrorists by official organisations.

The only difference between terrorist and resistance / freedom fighters is the side you're playing on.

It also wasn't so long ago America supported the brave Mujaheddin resistance fighters in Afghanistan (ref. Rambo III credits). Since the USSR collapsed they became the sworn enemy. They might become allies again the ways things are going at the moment!

Personally I have no problem with a no deal Brexit, Historically whether it was Napoleon with his version of the EU which he called the continental system or Hitler and his ****** they both ended up the same ,****ed.
And what do we learn from history?


So we'll end up '****ed' too, but it'll be our own version of '****ed' in the face of advantage...

Once more to the fore, little englanders (y)
And what do we learn from history?


So we'll end up '****ed' too, but it'll be our own version of '****ed' in the face of advantage...

Once more to the fore, little englanders (y)
Ellal polishing his white feather again, good job country is not full of that defeated whinging attitude to change
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