Inexperienced amateurs land £14million government contract, hurrah!

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There are plenty of people, including myself, who consider that a person who was a member and leader in an armed group that planted bombs, killed civilians, kidnapped, tortured and murdered British soldiers, and booby-trapped their dead bodies, is a terrorist.
What about people who are members/leaders/directors of armed groups who drop bombs, kill civilians, who organise the kidnapping and torture of civilians?
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does notch have a problem with terrorist sympathisers, then?

Here's another pair - again, the terrorist is on the left:


5 terrorist sympathisers here:

Another sympathiser - here she is warmly greeting a man who spent 26 years in prison for terrorism.

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But how would you decide if a specific statement is true? What test is there or is that subject?
Balance of probability - is it more likely that there is evidence to support the claim than no evidence to support the claim?

He named 3 people Milne, Murray and Fisher and made 3 claims against them : communist leaning, holocaust deniers and terrorist sympathisers

So is the test for being communist leaning is simply evidence you support ideas of communism or communism itself as it gets very hazy - as its a description of political economy.

Indeed and both could be valid.

@noseall did you read what Seamus Milne wrote about the 9/11 attacks? Theres quite a lot of discussion on it if you google it. I'd never heard of him before this thread but pretty convinced he either likes to be a controversial troll, or sympathises with terrorists.
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the 9/11 attacks

you mean the ones organised, financed and carried out by Saudis? In revenge for which US attacked Iraq, the enemy of Saud?

It pays to be rich enough that you can buy friends.
Hamas are terrorists.
They are not regarded as such by everybody.

Around 1956, you could have read about freedom fighters terrorists in Aden, terrorists freedom fighters in Hungary and about groups of armed men dispatched by us, France and Israel to bomb and shoot at civilians in Egypt.

Do you have a definition of "terrorist" that works in all circumstances?
Balance of probability - is it more likely that there is evidence to support the claim than no evidence to support the claim?
The likelihood of evidence existing or not is unimportant.

What matters is whether evidence actually does or does not exist.
The people who ask angrily why the Palestinians keep longing for their old land should imagine an English version of this story. How would we react if the 30m stateless, persecuted Kurds in the world sent armies and settlers into this country to seize everything in England below Leeds, and swiftly established a free Kurdistan from which we were expelled? Wouldn't we long forever for our children to return to Cornwall and Devon and London? Would it take us only 40 years to compromise and offer to settle for just 22 per cent of what we had?

And if we used force against the invaders to regain Cornwall and Devon and London, would the people doing that be the English Resistance? Would they be freedom fighters? Or would they be terrorists?
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