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Another example of typical fallacious argument. I do not and never have made the case that anybody left of centre is a commie.
You consider anybody to the left of Steve Bannon to be "extremely" left-wing.

The points Ive made are not far fetched criticisms of the Labour party.
No - of course not.

Holocaust denial, pro terrorism - not far fetched at all.

They are criticisms of a minority of people, those who happen to be Corbyns inner circle.

They are wealthy idealogues.

They dont represent the mainstream Labour party and they dont represent the traditional Labour voters.
And the ideologues who are trying to set Tory party policy - are they not wealthy? Do they represent the mainstream Tory party or the traditional Tory voters?

In case youve forgotten here are the people I mentioned:

Seamus Milne
Andrew Murray
Andrew Fisher

Wake up and smell the coffee: these people are the reason Labour arent 20 points or more ahead.Its Corbyn living in a bubble.
If they don't represent the mainstream Labour party or traditional Labour voters then their policies will not be adopted.
What planet are you on?
You are my barometer Notch. I not the intensity and frequency of your Labour bashing and can attribute it directly to the growth in Labour popularity. You read like a book boyo.

Good ole Jezza.(y)
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What planet are you on?

Ok, I shouldve said 'spends his time criticising anybody that supports the right........"

I can appreciate that you can differ with someone on the left in regard to economic policies - which is all fine and great but not defending the three guys you named - you alleged they are terrorists and anti- semites without bringing forward any evidence. Sometimes you don't need to embellish your argument to make your point.

I think you can argue they are marxists etc but it would be more useful if we stuck to their economic policies?
does notch have a problem with terrorist sympathisers, then?

what he actually said was:

I suggest you look at people like Andrew Murray, Seamus Milne, Andrew Fisher
Oh thats right....communist leaning, holocaust denying terrorist sympathisers
Wake up and smell the coffee

The only one I couldn't find any evidence of was holocaust denial. I had no clue who they were until B-a-S defamed Notch by calling him a liar. So I did a bit of reading and it didn't take long to find evidence of the 1st and 3rd allegation. I found plenty of holocaust denial within the labour party/supporters, but not attributed to the above named individuals. I didn't look hard. It may exist. Fortunately for B-a-S Notch's Identity is unknown, so he is protected by the Defamation Act 2013.

Still - not nice to wrongly accuse someone of being a liar, when its not true.

@JohnD - there you go - thats how its done properly. good effort.
When I was a captain of industry & quite senior in a ftsie100 part of my brief was fraud busting & anti-corruption.

There are many signals, signs & pointers that can be used to detect a problem & just recently this Gov'mnt' has been blatantly giving them off as if they just don't care about any consequences.

You may sneer at those 3rd world countries where corruption is openly practiced, but you should never forget that we invented it & taught them how to do it.
what he actually said was:

The only one I couldn't find any evidence of was holocaust denial. I had no clue who they were until B-a-S defamed Notch by calling him a liar. So I did a bit of reading and it didn't take long to find evidence of the 1st and 3rd allegation. I found plenty of holocaust denial within the labour party/supporters, but not attributed to the above named individuals. I didn't look hard. It may exist. Fortunately for B-a-S Notch's Identity is unknown, so he is protected by the Defamation Act 2013.

Still - not nice to wrongly accuse someone of being a liar, when its not true.

@JohnD - there you go - thats how its done properly. good effort.

So has notch defamed them by calling them Holocaust deniers?

You a link to where they are shown to be terrorist sympathisers at that seems a nebulous term.
There are plenty of people, including myself, who consider that a person who was a member and leader in an armed group that planted bombs, killed civilians, kidnapped, tortured and murdered British soldiers, and booby-trapped their dead bodies, is a terrorist.

However the term is not always used. No doubt there is some way of deciding who's a terrorist supporter.
There are plenty of people, including myself, who consider that a person who was a member and leader in an armed group that planted bombs, killed civilians, kidnapped, tortured and murdered British soldiers, and booby-trapped their dead bodies, is a terrorist.

However the term is not always used. No doubt there is some way of deciding who's a terrorist supporter.

Not a universal one it seems. The IRA have never been classed as a terrorist group by the USA.
So has notch defamed them by calling them Holocaust deniers?
It is different. One statement was specific, the other wasn't. If a specific statement is mostly true - a defence exists. You see journalists do this all the time.

B-a-S' claim was not specific to any part of the statement. Notch was specific in his allegations and would only have to show that his claim was substantially true. Which it was. The named individuals were accused of a list of specific things. These appear to be substantially true (2 out of 3 at least) therefore Notch would have a defence under sec 2 not to mention that there may well be evidence to support 2 as well as 1 and 3.
Not a universal one it seems. The IRA have never been classed as a terrorist group by the USA.

You'll be telling me next they didn't include Mr Begin on their list.
It is different. One statement was specific, the other wasn't. If a specific statement is mostly true - a defence exists. You see journalists do this all the time.

B-a-S' claim was not specific to any part of the statement. Notch was specific in his allegations and would only have to show that his claim was substantially true. Which it was. The named individuals were accused of a list of specific things. These appear to be substantially true (2 out of 3 at least) therefore Notch would have a defence under sec 2 not to mention that there may well be evidence to support 2 as well as 1 and 3.

But how would you decide if a specific statement is true? What test is there or is that subject?

He named 3 people Milne, Murray and Fisher and made 3 claims against them : communist leaning, holocaust deniers and terrorist sympathisers

So is the test for being communist leaning is simply evidence you support ideas of communism or communism itself as it gets very hazy - as its a description of political economy.
I did a bit of reading and it didn't take long to find evidence of the 1st and 3rd allegation.
I'm sure you did. You can find evidence of all sorts of allegations. Notch has made allegations. The question is did you find any evidence that the allegations were true?

I found plenty of holocaust denial within the labour party/supporters,
Really? Plenty of Labour party members and supporters (how would you know, BTW?) denying that the Holocaust happened? Or just more evidence of other people having made the allegation?

Post some links?

Still - not nice to wrongly accuse someone of being a liar, when its not true.
Holocaust denial? Really?

Terrorist sympathisers?
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