Interest only, electric car charging points 7 kW or 22 kW?

Yes in Wales the Welsh highland railway reopened, and the Aberglaslyn pass tunnels and track bed were closed to walkers, an alternative route was opened, but it has over hanging rocks and no longer a stroll, now quite breath taking, both walk and view.

There were some long viaducts along the old track bed on the Dartmoor Line, if stopped using them, then it would be unsuitable for a easy bike ride.
There were some long viaducts along the old track bed on the Dartmoor Line, if stopped using them, then it would be unsuitable for a easy bike ride.
They could add some safety barriers along the edges, no?
I would certainly quite happily fight a charge for overstaying WRT car charging.

I'd send my usual letter if they don't see sense that will invite them to take me to court and set the case before a judge.
By which time it will have escalated through debt recovery companies, and the amount you "owe" will have increased to several hundred pounds.

Factor in their legal costs should you lose, and yours is a bit of a high-risk strategy. A low-key one of approaching the business whose car park it "is" (assuming you were a customer of theirs whilst charging) asking them to ask the parking management company to cancel the charge would be safer.
They could add some safety barriers along the edges, no?
With a double track bed, yes, but the Aberglaslyn pass tunnels were single track narrow gauge, built the year I was born these
Garratt loco is some beast, at 40 ton would not want to get wrong side of it, clearly not an ICE, but these beasts built in Manchester for South Africa although 2 foot gauge make the main line standard gauge engines look small. Our local railway the engine on loan 1727363536651.png is not what one would want to see if trespassing on the line. Unlike most places, with railways trespassing is a crime.
By which time it will have escalated through debt recovery companies, and the amount you "owe" will have increased to several hundred pounds.

Factor in their legal costs should you lose, and yours is a bit of a high-risk strategy. A low-key one of approaching the business whose car park it "is" (assuming you were a customer of theirs whilst charging) asking them to ask the parking management company to cancel the charge would be safer.
I know what you're saying, but whenever I have tried that, the business has told me that "It's completely out of my hands, mate because the parking company has nothing to do with us."

I have had two cases now where Mrs S had permission from the businesses to park free of charge, yet we were sent £100 invoices and both went to debt collectors.

One was a fast food joint where Mrs S was working with a young person. The other was a hotel where she was giving blood and the hotel staff told her that the parking had been suspended for the hours of blood donation. In both cases, the parking companies were notified of her reg number.

What boils my p*ss is that, even when exempted from parking restrictions, they still tried it on, knowing she was exempted. And they insisted, even when the situation was explained to them, that they were going to proceed with demanding payment. And when correspondence was entered into, they insisted on sending the "debt" to debt recovery agents, even when the "debt" was in dispute. By the codes they are supposed to abide by, they are meant to suspend any action while there is a dispute.

In other words, they know damn well that there are legitimate exceptions, but hound drivers for payment regardless. Because they know many people will cave and pay up, especially if the magic words "Debt Collection Agency" are uttered.

Disgusting behaviour.

So after a few letters back and forth where I am telling them we are not liable to pay, and them telling us we are and then sending in the DCA, I gave up and sent them a very simply worded letter:

Dear Extortionist

Regarding case XYZ123.

I am more than happy for you to set this case before a judge. I will then present my evidence to them, and they can decide whether the debt you are claiming still stands.

As I said, I have done this twice now and we never heard from them again.

Absolutely hate them with a vengeance.
I know what you're saying, but whenever I have tried that, the business has told me that "It's completely out of my hands, mate because the parking company has nothing to do with us."

I have had two cases now where Mrs S had permission from the businesses to park free of charge, yet we were sent £100 invoices and both went to debt collectors.

One was a fast food joint where Mrs S was working with a young person. The other was a hotel where she was giving blood and the hotel staff told her that the parking had been suspended for the hours of blood donation. In both cases, the parking companies were notified of her reg number.

What boils my p*ss is that, even when exempted from parking restrictions, they still tried it on, knowing she was exempted. And they insisted, even when the situation was explained to them, that they were going to proceed with demanding payment. And when correspondence was entered into, they insisted on sending the "debt" to debt recovery agents, even when the "debt" was in dispute. By the codes they are supposed to abide by, they are meant to suspend any action while there is a dispute.

In other words, they know damn well that there are legitimate exceptions, but hound drivers for payment regardless. Because they know many people will cave and pay up, especially if the magic words "Debt Collection Agency" are uttered.

Disgusting behaviour.

So after a few letters back and forth where I am telling them we are not liable to pay, and them telling us we are and then sending in the DCA, I gave up and sent them a very simply worded letter:

Dear Extortionist

Regarding case XYZ123.

I am more than happy for you to set this case before a judge. I will then present my evidence to them, and they can decide whether the debt you are claiming still stands.

As I said, I have done this twice now and we never heard from them again.

Absolutely hate them with a vengeance.

Well done for making a stand on this!
I know what you're saying, but whenever I have tried that, the business has told me that "It's completely out of my hands, mate because the parking company has nothing to do with us."

So it's their car park, and they have contracted with the parking management company to police it and enforce the rules for them. Of course the parking management company has something to do with them - they are its customer.
You can argue with a shelf stacker, or even a manager, but if they refuse to help, you have to go hands on with the parking co.
I remember the time when the disabled could park close to the store, I even remember Asda had a sensor under the disabled parking spot and would send some one out to help the disabled (think really it was a ploy to shame people who used disabled stops but were not disabled. Also mother and child spots so did not have to cross a busy part with children, rather sexist, as no father and child spots.

But all this has gone, now they look after the EV user, they are treated like VIP's with wider slots to park in, but not noticed the EV being any wider than an ICE, right by the store entrance where the disabled use to be. Not the fault of the EV user, they have not asked for this treatment, although cables not placed in a tidy way causing a trip hazard is down to user, so in the interests of safety they should be at far end of car park, likely in an area seldom used by non EV users, so general public not any where near their untidy cables.

But it is not the stores trying to attract people with EV's who likely have more money than sense to spend in their stores, it is simple logistics, they want them near to the electric supply.