Is Islam A Religion of Peace

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I don't understand your posts.

One minute, you're saying it's made up; the next, the bible is definitive.
Psalm 14-A
He holds God in his heart will forever be a fool.
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Bread and Butter,

Do you know the bible from front to back word perfect in your memory or do you use a "quotation finder" to provide the numerous references to the bible's contents.
Bread and Butter,

Do you know the bible from front to back word perfect in your memory or do you use a "quotation finder" to provide the numerous references to the bible's contents.

i do not remember every thing in the bible,but if i know the answer, i tap the answer in to bible gateway to help me find the reference.
i knew the bible says the fool says there is no God, and i know its in psalms, or proverbs,but cannot always remember exactly were it is in the bible.
if i cannot answer i give you a link, that may help you answer it. but that is one advantage of the internet.
you could study the bible a thousand times, and it will give you pearls of wisdom every time, it is an endless treasure.
you can never stop learning from it, it is a living word.
Problem being you cherry pick the good bits and ignore the bad.

The bible is a moral absurdity and is no more authoritative than the THe Diary of Adrian Mole.
Psalm 14.
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.
Nothing wrong with that. Would you rather just the bad bits are choosen?

How can you take the bible for a moral guide by cherry picking the bits bits that fit in with your world view.

Slavery for example.... there is no retraction or correction within the bible to say that slavery is actually a bad thing. Yet it had advice on how to procure, punish and keep your slaves.

Why should a person take the bit about "love thy neighbour" over the bit about "thrash your slave only so much that he doesn't snuff it for a week."?

Why is this god the right one? Why not Zeus? What about the polytheistic societies older than christianity - older than the sodding chronology of the bible would have the universe..... oh wait... we're not supposed to take that so literally - you misunderstand the text.... you silly.... what you're supposed to do is guess which bits to take literally. And if the god botherers don't agree with the bits you've chosen.... then you should go to a class where you can be brain washed just like them.
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