Racism is in my view normal, natural, coded into all of us, for reasons of protection and survival. Nuances are reinforced by experience.
Nonsense. It's a taught prejudice, taught by our parents and peers.
Yes, reinforced by personal experience but through the prism of bigotry.
Bigotry is so deeply internalised that the actors are unconcsious of its effect on our perception. Hence the concept of unconcsious bias
Socialization is a process through which an individual learns and internalizes their society's norms, values, beliefs, and customs. Every culture demarcates desirable and undesirable behaviour in different social contexts. Socialization shapes an individual's personality, behaviour, and social interactions
Introduction As a great Greek philosopher said, Man is a social being. We human beings cannot live in a vacuum.
Hence the concept of unconcsious bias:
Unconscious (or implicit) bias is a term that describes the associations we hold, outside our conscious awareness and control. Unconscious bias affects everyone. Unconscious bias is triggered by our brain automatically making quick judgments and assessments.
Your theory is a poor excuse for bigotry.
I think all proponents of one religion probably are racist, but specifically from prejudice.
Racism is prejudice.
And to suggets that all proponents of religion are inherently racist is also nonsense. Would you consider, say Archbishop Welby, to be racist?
Unless you meant: "all proponents of one (particualr) religion probably are racist" which is an explicitly racist staement.
I'm disparaging to proponents of any religion, they're all deluded nutters believing in hocus pocus.
But by the same token, I would hesitantly agree that some religious practioners are nutters:
- Asked whether he can speak "in tongues", Welby answered, "Oh yes, it's just a routine part of spiritual discipline — you choose to speak and you speak a language that you don’t know. It just comes."
Education does not eliminate racism whatsoever.
I haven't commissioned a poll, but I highly susopect that racism is a curse of the poorly educated.
In fact tolerance in totality is a curse of the poorly educated.
For sure there will be some highly educated people who are deeply biased about all sorts of things. They've been taught such things from an ealy age. They probably believe their prejudices are a real view of life, like religion. There are some highly educated people who believe they can speak a language, they've never heard, nor learnt, nor one that anyone else understands.
As for your comments about bargaining over price being an excuse for racism, or a defining charater of 'race'. I think you're off your proverbial rocker.
I won't bother responding to the rest of your post, it's obviously a tirade of partisan criticism.