more Boll@x from you... clearly you aren't remotely aware of the law you are trying to quote.
An Act to amend the law of England and Wales with respect to criminal conspiracy; to make new provision in that law, in place of the provisions of the common law and the Statutes of Forcible Entry, for restricting the use or threat of violence for securing entry into any premises and for...
Let me help you with the legal test for conspiracy
To prove a conspiracy, the prosecution must be able to show:
An agreement has been made between two or more parties
- The agreement is to commit a criminal offence
- There was an intention to be a party to an agreement to do an unlawful act
- That a defendant and one other party knew or intended that the elements of the intended offence would exist at the time of the offence
No problem with asylum seekers - I do have a problem with illegal immigrant trafficking gangs who break the law. and of course anyone who comes to the UK illegally via a small boat has no right to claim asylum.