Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation

In tandem with Israeli attacks on humanitarian aid staff and relief convoys in Gaza, Israel’s denial of humanitarian missions in the war-torn Palestinian territory has almost doubled this month, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports. In August, the number of aid missions and movements by humanitarian workers denied permission by Israeli authorities almost doubled compared with July, including 68 denials in the north of the territory, compared with 30 last month, and 99 denials for the south of the territory, compared with 53 last month, OCHA reports.

“This isn’t normal and the world needs to understand that this is not normal,” Carroll said of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, said Sean Carroll, president and CEO of the aid organisation American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera). “There are conflicts around the world. There are needs to provide humanitarian aid in the midst of conflicts, and in the vast majority of conflicts around the world, there is coordination, there is de-confliction to ensure that humanitarian aid workers and humanitarian aid work can proceed so that non-combatants receive the aid that they need,” Carroll said.

“In this case, it is just far too difficult, far too deadly and the number of attacks just this week puts in grave, grave jeopardy the ability to continue delivering aid,” he said - “It is untenable.” - “This isn’t just about Palestinians. This is about humanity. This is about any shred of possibility of peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians,” he added.
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In recent years, hundreds of individuals from ethnic minorities have enlisted in the IDF every year. The IDF personnel branch reports that the numbers have tripled in five years. Of the minorities that serve, 65% are Bedouin, 20% are Christians, and 15% (just a few dozen) are Muslim. The Muslim communities that yield the most soldiers are Nazareth, Dir al-Assad, Bi’ina and Reineh. According to IDF statistics, there are two Arab officers currently serving in the IDF, and only one, Ala Wahib, in a core post. A female Muslim officer was recently discharged from the Air Force. Fifteen Muslim Arabs and 14 Christian Arabs have been killed over the years while serving in the IDF.
Are Bedouin Arabs classified as Palestinians, or are they an ethnic minority within the Palestinian population .
Are Bedouin Arabs classified as Palestinians, or are they an ethnic minority within the Palestinian population .
As they live in Israel, they're classed as an ethnic minority...and considered a lower-class citizen, at that. F.Boy would tell you they have a voice in the Knesset but such a small contingent it very rarely gets heard.
As they live in Israel, they're classed as an ethnic minority...and considered a lower-class citizen, at that. F.Boy would tell you they have a voice in the Knesset but such a small contingent it very rarely gets heard.

The Lib Dems of the Arab world. :LOL:
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F.Boy would tell you they have a voice in the Knesset but such a small contingent it very rarely gets heard.

Another way of looking at it is they have more seats in the Knessset that the SNP have in Parliament. :LOL:
LOL I just looked here to see what Filly said. I haven't for a while.

These particular type of seat holders Well one went to a west bank incident and said this has to stop. Only signs of these in reports. Well in terms of what he was complaining about - it's got worse.
These particular type of seat holders Well one went to a west bank incident and said this has to stop. Only signs of these in reports. Well in terms of what he was complaining about - it's got worse.

Even more like the SNP, Humza Yousaf. ;)
Filly finds plenty to giggle at in this thread. His racism, hatred and contempt are disgusting.

"Israel killing babies and children by disease as well as starvation"​

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