Israel under attack

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This has been going on years!

And the stealing of land.

Explain that?

I've only heard the bias Israeli side of it. With that and my lack of historical knowledge on the middle East I can't answer.

But I offer you again the chance to educate and give me the otherside.
But if you have 2 million people essentially in a 365 km² concentration camp and illegal Israeli
Don't know about a concentration camp comparison.
More like the Warsaw Ghetto, 1000's of Jews herded into a small geographical area and left to rot.
I've only heard the bias Israeli side of it. With that and my lack of historical knowledge on the middle East I can't answer.
Your lack of knowledge on history is not limited to the middle east. You are capable of nothing but shouting some slogans. Pick a world region of your choice. I will ask you some questions about the history of that region, and see how you do.
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More like the Warsaw Ghetto, 1000's of Jews herded into a small geographical area and left to rot.
Sounds bad. But they didn't have to take revenge for that on the palestinians, though. The palestinians were busy riding camels at the time and nowhere near poland.

Israel has created the Gaza concentration camp to exert control, and meanwhile steals Palestinian land in the West Bank...

If Palestinians had a hope of a better life, then they wouldn't be flocking to Hamas...

Israel btw is also preventing the extraction of gas in Gazan waters by the Palestinians by the blockades of equipment/materials and 'persuading' foreign companies from dealing with the Palestinians...

British Gas being one of them who discovered the reserves in the first place...

And Israel plans to exploit/steal the gas assets in the Gaza Marine field...

So maybe you could tell us this?

If you were a Palestinian in Gaza, what would you be inclined to do?

Those that Border Israel , deny the right for Israel to exist. If they could they would destroy Israel. Why would you give your enemy a foot up to ultimately destroy you.
Your lack of knowledge on history is not limited to the middle east. You are capable of nothing but shouting some slogans. Pick a world region of your choice. I will ask you some questions about the history of that region, and see how you do.

Go for it. I'm having a lazy day.
Pound of flesh plus interest.

I fear Israel will now smash Gazza, then if the Palestinians persist they will smash them too. Thus will all escalate the refugee crisis we are having.
I fear Israel will now smash Gazza, then if the Palestinians persist they will smash them too. Thus will all escalate the refugee crisis we are having.
Could give the Israelis the excuse to finally expel the Palestinians from the region.
That would have a knock on effect in other countries in the region, probably more conflict and waves of migration into Europe.
Western support for Israel has a price, fortunately for the political elites it will be the working classes in these countries who will pay the bill .
comes from the Israeli national grid.
They have every right to shut it down. The same as the Russians. Why supply your enemy with the tools to hurt you.
You claim Israel have every right to shut down electricity to the areas controlled by Israel, just because they can?
Electricty that is essential for water, sanitation, hospitals, etc.
Those that Border Israel , deny the right for Israel to exist. If they could they would destroy Israel. Why would you give your enemy a foot up to ultimately destroy you.

Egypt and Jordan recognise the right of Israel to exist...

That leaves Lebanon and Syria which don't...

Maybe you should brush up on the facts over all those bordering countries claim ;)
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