Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources.

ahh so he's upset that its illegal to stir hatred towards jews... oops I told him the answer :LOL:
In just what way are reports on a war between an Islamic group, Hamas + and a Jewish group stirring up hatred? The reports are based on events in that war. Facts plus a certain amount of propaganda from both sides. Should people concentrate on the propaganda from both sides or the factual aspects of the war?

The UN officials regularly comment on the situation. Their view purely relates to international law. They don't condone Hamas etc and Israel gets more mention as there are more aspects that they need to mention. Does this mean these people are Jew haters? Include the specialists on this particular area of the world.

The court hearing, Are the judges Jew haters or are they just ruling on the situation on the ground?

Many media sources broadcast factors about the situation on the ground. Many people are dismayed by the destruction they witness and the lives lost. Are the broadcasters Jew haters?

It's a fact that the info coming out may create some Jew haters but trying to apply the laws you are trying to use just does not fit. Thoughts in this direction cropped up regarding Pro Palestine demo's. Dropped as they don't fit and people are allowed to have their own opinion based on the info they receive.

The most extreme Jew haters. Iran. Is their solution no Israel? Afraid not. Given how things are the only solution they see as viable is equal rights. An idea that it is rather hard to argue against. Even Sinwar would accept a deal providing it resulted in the type of separate state he wants. All factions are more or less the same.

The fact is that this state business is the cause of all of the problems. It's never been allowed to happen. ;) Would providing it in a meaningful way solve the issues? We will probably never find out. Geopolitics generally discourages it. Some of that relates to the security council and the veto. It means that laws that are being broken by Israel get ignored. Hamas are in a somehwhat different situation as are some others.
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Here you go Himmy. its not about where or when, but rather what.

It's a criminal offence to stir racial and religious hatred in the UK. The Law goes much further in Holland. You might want to familiarise yourself with 137c of the Dutch Penal Code.
Only you, Bull ****ter are claiming that hatred is being stirred. Just like you claim all the criticism of Israeli actions and policy is antiSemitic.
Criticism of a country's actions or a religion's ambitions is perfectly acceptable, sometimes justified and perfectly legal.
The criticism of Zionist's aspirations of ethnic cleansing is also morally justified.
Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible. Following the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Zionism became Israel's national or state ideology.

Whereas the persistent assignation of the insanity of Muslim leaders, by others, has never warranted a mention from you.
Strange that, Bull ****ter, that you interpret the law to support your twisted arguments when it suits, but conveniently ignore the same laws when it applies, just like Israel relying on the UN Resolution 181 for their creation and existence, but ignoring other similar Resolutions when it suits.
Also the UN resolution never allowed for the aspirations of Zionists, therefore their aspirations have no legitimacy.
The current government of Israel is dominated by Zionists.

Your referral to laws in Holland are irrelevant if no offence is committed.
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It's a criminal offence to stir racial and religious hatred in the UK.

But it is not a criminal offence to criticise racism, apartheid and genocide, or war crimes, or crimes against humanity, or the actions of a state, a government or an army, or a political movement such as Zionism.

Although you untruthfully pretend that it is.
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But it is not a criminal offence to criticise racism, apartheid and genocide, or war crimes, or crimes against humanity, or the actions of a state, a government or an army, or a political movement such as Zionism.

Unless you saturate the internet with these alleged claims with the sole purpose of inciting hatred.
It seems some group has attempted to assassinate Benjamin with a drone. Seems he wasn't there but for some reason Israel do not seem to want to show where it "landed". Seems it was aimed at his home that happened to be empty.

LOL I have missed out a number if its. Tough. Seems = longer report needed.
Unless you saturate the internet with these alleged claims with the sole purpose of inciting hatred.
It is a discussion about an event currently happening.
No-one is saturating the internet (unless your life revolves around the GD forum), and it is not the purpose of the majority of participants to incite hatred.

There are exceptions, such as transam's persistent implication that Islamic leaders are insane, and reganandcarter's continuous accusations of refugees being criminals, disease carriers, etc.
Unless you saturate the internet with these alleged claims with the sole purpose of inciting hatred.

Like Motorbiking you are pretending English law says something that it doesn't.

If it did, you could try to find examples of an offence.

Making them up, like supporters of Israel's genocide do, is not enough.

It seems you have nothing to say that's relevant, or useful, or truthful.

Let me remind you:

"Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources."​

Way I see it they should have built a camp out side of Gaza for woman and children elderly etc etc

There after B52 type air strikes / carpet bombing ?

Get some of them daisy cutter type bombs off of the yanks ????

And a few of them air craft gun ships they can lay down a massive amount of fire power ??
Way I see it they should have built a camp out side of Gaza for woman and children elderly etc etc

There after B52 type air strikes / carpet bombing ?

Get some of them daisy cutter type bombs off of the yanks ????

And a few of them air craft gun ships they can lay down a massive amount of fire power ??
Ah, so you want the Palestinians to be pushed out of their land and then level it...

Why not go the whole hog and recommend that the israeli fanatical bunch use weapons they are probably itching to test - nukes when the prevailing winds are right !

You are a supporter of genocide and as such you are no better than nazi sympathisers...

And that is not 'trivialising' the holocaust, it is simply pointing out that attitudes in ignorant people haven't changed in the decades since!
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