Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources.

If you define them as a "religious group" or "religious zealots" or anything that meets the definition of religion or race as defined by s17 or 29a of the public order act then you are clearly recognising them as such. of course Dr. Miller was smarter and made up his own definition.

tell me

According to you stirring hatred against a religious group or race is illegal yes or no?

its a simple question. Do you need help? You will find the Answer in the Public Order Act.

Odd how you refuse to answer the question. You do not need to fear entrapment. There is no obligation to show mens rea.
Telling the truth about Zionist policies and Netanyahu's war crimes is not anti-semitic.
By your definition, it'd be unpatriotic to criticise Tory policy in government.
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Telling the truth about Zionist policies and Netanyahu's war crimes is not anti-semitic.
By your definition, it'd be unpatriotic to criticise Tory policy in government.
The problem with "telling the truth" is it's often the opinion of the person. I'm sure Putin thinks he is telling the truth to his people about the risk of invasion from Nato and justification of his occupation and destruction of Ukraine.
Dare day T & G will continue with his usual porkie pies :giggle:

It’s himmy again under another ID ???

Oh well bung the fruit cake on ignore

My entire ignore list are all the same person :giggle:
Tis done ignored the fruit cake
Dare day ended when the Eagle stopped being published.
Who are you, his sidekick, Albert Digby? LOL
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Post 92 has the definition according to Himmy. He claims they are a religious movement, odds agrees and further refers to them as religious zealots. Based on those definitions s29a applies. You will see the links to sec 17 and 29a. You will see the links go to the actual statute. Not the guardian, not Facebook but the actual law. Click it, read it. It’s not even a paragraph.

Miller carefully defined his version of Zionism to avoid crossing the line.
I see the Bull ****ter is all over the place. I suggest he undertakes a Navigation course. He is obviously completely lost.
First he said that post 45 had my definition of Zionists. It does not and I have proved it does not.
Now he is claiming that post 92 is my definition of Zionism. It is not.
Here are posts 45 and 92 reproduced. Please highlight my definitions within those posts:
I have noticed that Motorbiking tends to be obtuse when he is on uncertain territory.
He will state his interpretation of something, but he will refuse to present the genuine article.
He relies on the laziness of the reader to not check his facts. Understandable considering some on here refuse to read further than the first sentence.

The whole point is that Dr Miller came up with his own definition in order to stay within the law, Himmie has his, which makes them protected and JohnD jumps around making out the law doesn't say what the law says. I literally copied and pasted the words from sec 17 and 29A of the public order act.

According to Himmy post 45 and liked by Odds, so I assume he agrees.

here you go:

The problem with "telling the truth" is it's often the opinion of the person. I'm sure Putin thinks he is telling the truth to his people about the risk of invasion from Nato and justification of his occupation and destruction of Ukraine.
I doubt if you could recognise the truth. You live in a make-believe world of tax avoidance.
Either that or you are buying and keeping boats illegally in foreign ports.
I am sure that you, like Putin has convinced himself that the world is how you think it is, not how in really is.
Zionism is a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity. Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists. Therefore there is absolutely noting wrong with criticising Zionism.
Here you go Himmy. its not about where or when, but rather what.

It's a criminal offence to stir racial and religious hatred in the UK. The Law goes much further in Holland. You might want to familiarise yourself with 137c of the Dutch Penal Code.
The problem with "telling the truth" is it's often the opinion of the person. I'm sure Putin thinks he is telling the truth to his people about the risk of invasion from Nato and justification of his occupation and destruction of Ukraine.

Is it an opinion to report that - Senior Hamas officials dismissed Israeli claims that the group has been destroyed as a military force and instead spoke of “new generations” recruited in the wake of Israeli attacks upon Gaza’s camps, hospitals and residential areas.

By your criteria i'm spreading hate and inciting violence in doing so.
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