Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources.

I think the reason you publish lies pretending there is a law forbidding criticism of a political movement, is that you hope to stifle mention of Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide.

Not working, is it.
This is the lie we are talking about:

"There's nothing Israel likes better than exterminating people who are not Jewish."

Nobody is trying to stifle criticism of a political movement. The law rightly exists to stop people stirring hatred towards a race or religion. The above is an excellent example.
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Evening all, I'm pleased to say that since the demise of Yahyar, more aid will get through, and won't be used to feed Hamas or be sold at inflated prices to the Palestinian people.

That's good isn't it?
Hanas eat it and are buried in the population so cut it completely. Hamas is not a problem that the people who deliver the aid mention. There are several but Hamas isn't one of them. The hostages need it too.

The aspect that kicked Blinken and the security council off was no aid what so ever over a period of 10 days, Also specific problems in the north concerning a refugee camp and evacuation, Also other areas there. Then add WHO delivery reports. The evac the entire north order appears to have been given. Some have no chance of getting out due to fighting. Shelling is being used.

Israel's technique, It's always been the same. (Since ~67+) Issue and evac order and then assume any left are terrorists. Well in the north if this works there is a hell of a lot more killing to do. 100s of thousands.

So more aid has been allowed to get in. It will take a few days to see if it's getting to where it's needed. Sometimes as Israel admits the trucks get stuck. Unlike vaccinations no pauses or for people to get out. UNRWA in the south are still doing polio jabs and also managing to give some kids vitamin boosting treatment. ~200 at work.

More egg on the US's face. Lay off Beirut. They did for a few days and then the bombs started again. Numbers of bombs in the area the UN want cleared have increased a lot.

Interesting report, A man and a women in a car realise there is some sort of drone around. They get out and run for cover and still get swatted. Well maybe Israel got 2 but as a military achievement so what, This aspect probably fits in with the US attitude about Beirut.
This is the lie we are talking about:

"There's nothing Israel likes better than exterminating people who are not Jewish."

Nobody is trying to stifle criticism of a political movement. The law rightly exists to stop people stirring hatred towards a race or religion. The above is an excellent example.
the word “Israel” refers to a state.

A state is neither a race nor a religion

What you have written is yet another example of weaponising anti semitism.
  • Thanks
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Apologists and supporters of Israel's genocide feign ignorance.
Motorbiking is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza
Fillyboy is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza
Ngws2 is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza

All 3 make constant false claims of Jew haters……but can provide not a spread of evidence.

Cowardly, dishonest liars who should know better
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The Israeli Information center for human rights in the Occupied Territories, B'tselem, has this to say:
It is too soon to determine how the shift in Israel’s policy will affect reality on the ground. Yet it is clearly too little, too late, and attests to Israel being chiefly responsible for the humanitarian crisis that has, since the war began about six months ago, spiraled into the catastrophe we are witnessing now.
For months, Israel refused to let humanitarian aid in through the land crossings in its territory, thereby limiting the amount of aid that could enter. Even when, following international pressure, Israel did agree to allow aid in through its territory, the amounts were a far cry from the needs of the population, and Israel even stooped so low as to try and present a false image that there was no serious nutritional crisis in Gaza.
The current change in policy cannot absolve Israel of its responsibility for the hunger crisis in the Gaza Strip, and it is doubtful whether the “new measures” it recently announced – whose effect on the ground, to the extent they actually exist, it is to early to analyze – can meet the current needs of the civilian population there.
Based on various reports from international bodies about the situation in Gaza and on testimonies gathered by B'Tselem's field researchers, we unfortunately conclude that for months, Israel has been committing the crime of starvation under international law in the Gaza Strip.

It is clear to me that Israel’s real policy is to eliminate Palestinians completely and make the West Bank and Gaza all part of Israel for Israelis.
Notch is blind and as ill-informed as the others

the word “Israel” refers to a state.

A state is neither a race nor a religion

a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.

When you claim that they like nothing better than exterminating people who are not Jewish, for which there is no evidence whatsoever. You refer to them as a group of persons. Your intention is to stir hatred against them. At the very least you are publishing your own bigoted hate toward them.

"Britain likes nothing more than having a roast dinner on a Sunday". Do you think the reference is to a piece of land?
Motorbiking is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza
Fillyboy is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza
Ngws2 is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza

All 3 make constant false claims of Jew haters……but can provide not a spread of evidence.

Cowardly, dishonest liars who should know better
None of them will comment on the information provided by B'tselem - weasels, the lot of 'em.
Stirring hatred towards Zionists is not protected, because they meet the definition of a race, in the public order act, particularly using the above example.

No they don't.

But you are unable to quote a sentence that says what you untruthfully claimed. Because there isn't one.

Did you think people would just believe you?

Because what you wrote is not true.
Your abusive posts are often removed, and, if repeated, you are sometimes banned. Try to cut down the abuse.
Motorbiking is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza
Fillyboy is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza
Ngws2 is an apologist for the atrocities committed in Gaza

All 3 make constant false claims of Jew haters……but can provide not a spread of evidence.

Cowardly, dishonest liars who should know better
I'm banned from just about all "Isreal" threads, anything I post on conflict with odds or JohnD gets removed.

Anything I post that remotely challenges Palestine and the fact they are at blame too, gets removed or gets me locked out of the thread.

Odds posts conveniently "vanish'

I even condemned Isreal yesterday and that got removed because I asked odds to condemn Palestine "again"

That's proof enough for me. I'll take a screen shot because this will vanish soon enough.
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