Israel uses starvation as a weapon of war, say Israeli sources.

you'd never st00p so low, of course.:rolleyes:
Got any examples? Anything like this:

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Himmy Nonsense at it finest.

I do not think criticism of the state of Israel is anti semitic.

but I do like this bit:

Legitimate criticism of any religion is valid as long as its done with respect and avoids stirring hatred, which would be unlawful.

Stirring hatred towards Zionists is not protected, because they meet the definition of a race, in the public order act, particularly using the above example.
Balls. Zionism is a Nationalist movement, like Fascism.
Not according to Himmy's belief. His definition makes stirring hatred towards them an offence.

"Religious movement" = a group of persons defined by reference to religious belief or lack of religious belief.

"Zionism is a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity. Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists." = a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.
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Not according to Himmy's belief. His definition makes stirring hatred towards them an offence.

"Religious movement" = a group of persons defined by reference to religious belief or lack of religious belief.

"Zionism is a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity. Not all Zionists are Jews, and not all Jews are Zionists." = a group of persons defined by reference to colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.
You can go down the road to beleive Zionism is a religious movement if you like, but you'll end up proclaiming Israel was a land promised by God from the river to the sea...

Are you sure you want to go there?
Its not my definition - its Himmy's ask him why he says they are a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity.

I would suggest Islam or Christianity also fits that definition.
Stirring hatred towards Zionists is not protected, because they meet the definition of a race, in the public order act, particularly using the above example.
Zionism is not a race, it's a form of Nationalism.
Fascism and Nazism were other forms of nationalism.
Zionism could be described as an ethnocultural nationalism, but nationalism none-the-less.

As Nationalism is itself a form of discrimination, it cannot logically be a protected as a characteristic.

Not all Zionists are Jews and not all Jews are Zionists, so logically criticism of Zionism cannot be considered as antiSemitism.
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Its not my definition - its Himmy's ask him why he says they are a religious movement that is not restricted to one ethnicity.

I would suggest Islam or Christianity also fits that definition.
A movement suggests a schism in the basic religion.

So Shia Muslims criticising Sunni cannot be guilty of Islamophobia, or vice versa.
Jews (or anyone else, criticising the actions, policies or aspirations of Zionism cannot be guilty of antiSemitism.
It would be logically and irrationally nonsensical for a movement based on the exclusion of others, to be protected from criticism of its policies.
Stirring hatred towards Zionists is not protected, because they meet the definition of a race, in the public order act, particularly using the above example.

No they don't

You will not find that "definition of a race"

You are, deliberately, or through ignorance or stupidity, misrepresenting the things that can be considered to be "racial hatred"

It includes "colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins"

It does not include a political movement dedicated to colonialism, invasion, genocide and racial oppression.

So it does not include Zionism.
well, i've lost track of the number of times you've banged on to ellal about Bre*it - or reminded Notch he voted for it, but carry on.
That’s nothing like the example I gave you. Quoting facts is different from JohnD's three word slogan.
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My money's on "deliberately."

Aggravated by stupidity.

Motorbiking has form for posting things that are untrue in an attempt to bolster his false arguments.
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