Israeli plan to spread disease in Gaza is successful. Now Polio.

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Have you made any posts about the atrocities committed by Hamas? I must have missed them among the 100s of anti-Jew posts you constantly make.
Start a thread about them.

The point of making these posts regarding IDF actions in Gaza and the WB, is the lack of attention paid by Western media about them, especially before the tragic events of Oct. 7th. This led to a one-eyed view of the attack leading many to condemn Hamas without asking why they attacked in the first place.
Have you made any posts about the atrocities committed by Hamas? I must have missed them among the 100s of anti-Jew posts you constantly make.
Of course he hasn’t. I asked him this a while ago:


His only reply was:

Using the term Zionist to hide behind thier hatred of Jews etc etc.
Not all Zionists are Jews, or even Israelis, and not all Jews are Zionists.
Joe Biden professes to be a Zionist.
To cut a long story short: although many Jews identify with Zionism, there are still many different points of view. That is reason enough not to mix up the words 'Jew', 'Israelis' and 'Zionists'.

In fact Zionism is a very broad church, but only the tiny minority of the left of the movement are prepared to consider the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

The original Zionism (now called Labor Zionism) was only to establish a Jewish state.
The later Zionism, (now known as Revisionist Zionism) called for a revision of the original territorial claims for a Jewish state, including East of the Jordan river.
The more recent and more religious version of Zionism, now known as the Likud party, the dominant party in Israel, wants the total occupation and settlement of the current Israel, West Bank and Gaza.

Zionism, or Jewish nationalism, is a modern political movement. Its core beliefs are that all Jews constitute one nation (not simply a religious or ethnic community) and that the only solution to anti-Semitism is the concentration of as many Jews as possible in Palestine/Israel and the establishment of a Jewish state there.
There are several different forms of Zionism. From the 1920s until the 1970s, the dominant form was Labor Zionism, which sought to link socialism and nationalism. By the 1920s, Labor Zionists in Palestine established the kibbutz movement...

A second form of Zionism was the Revisionist movement led by Vladimir Jabotinsky. They earned the name “Revisionist” because they wanted to revise the boundaries of Jewish territorial aspirations and claims beyond Palestine to include areas east of the Jordan River. ...
This party subsequently became the central component of the Likud Party, the largest right wing Israeli party since the 1970s...

Israel’s victory in 1967 gave rise to a more religious variation of Zionism. Some existing political parties representing orthodox Jews came to embrace religious nationalism, and new parties and movements formed to advocate Israel’s permanent control and extensive Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza.
The religious-nationalist parties and groups which constitute the far right of the Israeli political spectrum maintain a hard line on matters relating to territory and the Arab-Israeli conflict. They have allied with the Likud Party.
Although the Labor Party also has supported Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza, a key difference is a willingness to consider a territorial compromise with Palestinians as a means of ending the conflict. The Likud and its allies oppose any territorial withdrawal. In 1977, the Likud won the national election, for the first time unseating the Labor Party which had governed Israel since independence. . ...
A tiny minority of ultra-leftist Jewish Israelis identify themselves as non- or anti-Zionists. Some of them aspire to see all of Israel/Palestine transformed into a single state with citizenship and equal rights for all inhabitants, and others advocate the creation of a Palestinian state in all of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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But some posters on this forum are obsessed with posting everything they can find that is critical of Isreal and Jewish people. The pattern is clear.
A "bit" one sided. Actually they are posting examples of the results of the war and less often results of the occupation and other factors concerning the war. Sometimes in fringe areas such as polio some may say intent when given conditions this sort of thing is likely to happen given the situation. Other diseases as well.

Genocide is an odd ball much bandied about by some. I did listen to the judge's summation.

So people post stuff that is a result of the situation and all some can say is Jew haters. They give each other likes and may get a reply oh no I am not - now that is good fun isn't it. I doubt if these people like what they see and hear but it all relates to Israel and what it's state chooses to do. Israeli themselves mostly entirely happy initially but there is growing descent. Politicians lead and people follow. Actually there was a fair amount of descent when this particular coalition formed. People need to consider the politicians concerned. Their views etc. This may make people wonder about Jewish politics - with good reason. A new feature - no.
Yes, you spend a lot of time falsely pretending that people who criticises racism, apartheid and genocide are motivated by racism.

I suppose you might stop, if only Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide were allowed to continue without comment, until all remaining Palestinian land had been seized, all remaining Palestinian homes, farms, hospitals, schools, museums, history and culture destroyed, and all remaining Palestinian humans exterminated.

But criticism is not going to stop.

Not even Israel's assassination of journalists has stopped it.

And places of worship, of course. The Israeli army really enjoys destroying those.

And cemeteries.
And places of worship, of course. The Israeli army really enjoys destroying those.

And cemeteries.
You forgot the innocent Israeli festival goers in Israel . Hamas really enjoys invading, raping, killing and taking them hostage.
You forgot the innocent Israeli festival goers in Israel . Hamas really enjoys invading, raping, killing and taking them hostage.
Collateral damage? :oops:
As the IDF describe innocent Palestinian civilians.
Hamas really enjoys invading, raping, killing and taking them hostage.
Yes, they are both as bad as each other, although the IDF have got their genocidal noses in front.
Yes, they are both as bad as each other, although the IDF have got their genocidal noses in front.
Maybe true, maybe not but I don’t see any posts from the OP about the other sides attack on October 7 so presumably he's okay with that?
I see you haven't read the thread.

No not really interested in baloney peddled around by people with an agenda

Mind you I could well be guided by Starmer on the subject he is a decent enough bloke ? And he has said nowt about this or genocide ??
Maybe true, maybe not but I don’t see any posts from the OP about the other sides attack on October 7 so presumably he's okay with that?
That would depend on if you viewed it as a continuation of an ongoing conflict, which it was.
Or whether you view it as the start of a conflict, which it wasn't.
The conflict had been ongoing for decades prior to the October 7 incursion.
Or whether you view it as the start of a conflict, which it wasn't.
It certainly kicked off the current israeli reaction which you and others are now complaining about. Do you honestly think Gaza wouldn’t be in the situation it is now had the October 7th attack on Israel not taken place?
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