Israeli plan to spread disease in Gaza is successful. Now Polio.

Filly considers Israel's racist subjugation and genocide a laughing matter.

he has not overcome his indoctrination.

meanwhile, Hepatitis already making progress.

"More than 100,000 people are suspected to have contracted hepatitis A"
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To be fair, at least they didn't tell him to hop it.

Filly shows his true colours
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A group of 45 American doctors and nurses who have experience working in Gaza since October have written a letter to US President Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris recounting “the massive human toll from Israel’s attack” on the territory. The multi-faith, multiethnic group said their experience in the warzone made them “uniquely positioned” to comment as the US considered its continued support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

“It is likely that the death toll from this conflict is already greater than 92,000, an astonishing 4.2% of Gaza’s population,” they write, adding that every signatory to the joint letter had treated Palestinian children who “must have been deliberately” targeted for attack.

This is an open letter addressed to @POTUS, @VP , and @FLOTUS signed by 45 American physicians and nurses, about what we saw while working in Gaza. Please feel free to distribute. A PDF can be downloaded from the link and/or QR code on page 1.

Feroze [email protected]
The festival attack was wrong.

Are you saying Israel's retaliation is entirely justified?
I’m making no comment on the conduct of the war. There are clearly bad things going on.

But some posters on this forum are obsessed with posting everything they can find that is critical of Isreal and Jewish people. The pattern is clear.

Comments implying there aren’t very many nice Jews - racist, calling zionists a murderous cult - racist. Using the term Zionist to hide behind thier hatred of Jews etc etc.

These are the same people who are first to cry racist at other forum members. I’m happy to shine a light on their racist hypocrisy. But it’s a full time job.
But it’s a full time job.

Yes, you spend a lot of time falsely pretending that people who criticises racism, apartheid and genocide are motivated by racism.

I suppose you might stop, if only Israel's racism, apartheid and genocide were allowed to continue without comment, until all remaining Palestinian land had been seized, all remaining Palestinian homes, farms, hospitals, schools, museums, history and culture destroyed, and all remaining Palestinian humans exterminated.

But criticism is not going to stop.

Not even Israel's assassination of journalists has stopped it.
Motorbi- has become -king of the blind as his one-eyed view of Israel prevents him seeing the full picture of events since October 7th. How much blood of innocent civilians will slake his thirst for revenge?
I think it’s you two that need to stand back and asses the whole situation.

Unfortunately the one-sided monotonous posts about bad Jews, just reveals prejudice and hate.
It's posts about racism, apartheid and genocide that you don't like.
Have you made any posts about the atrocities committed by Hamas? I must have missed them among the 100s of anti-Jew posts you constantly make.
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