It’s Rishi.

The only thing that stops me from supporting an immediate general election is the fact that there isn't really any viable alternative option.

If it gets any worse than this, then we "might" enjoy a surge of citizen politicians like the US is currently enjoying.
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lets hope it works out better than the first black chancellor

seriously though, I think Rishi Rich Boy will do a good job, he was my choice so very happy he won it.
Yes I'm looking forward to his first PMQs, call me sad, don't care :)
Same with Brexit - the people have spoken
Brexit is a failure, it is a con, so people will continue to campaign to expose brexit lies.

If Brexit was a success, it’s supporters wouldn’t spend their time desperately trying to avoid talking about it.
A good percentage of the electorate aren't anoraks on politics and the political class know it. So that's why it's in such a dire state.
That’s why idiots vote Tory and Brexit.
lets hope it works out better than the first black chancellor

seriously though, I think Rishi Rich Boy will do a good job, he was my choice so very happy he won it.

Far from perfect, but at least he has some experience at high level. Good luck to him sorting the squabbling and in-fighting though.
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