Its just a book?

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So you are happy with the idea of making desecration of religious texts illegal?

Its surely a simple enough thing to have a position on?
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why should a "holy" book be protected?
You tell me....
....What they are trying to say is - its not an offence to stir up dislike for a person, be mean, rude etc.. but if its based on race or religion (or lack of religion) then it become an offence..."
(your words boatyard)
Take a look at YouTube - lots of examples. From heavy metal bands showing how "satanic" they are. To people showing they have biceps.
Take a look at YouTube - lots of examples. From heavy metal bands showing how "satanic" they are. To people showing they have biceps.
Oh, you mean in an entertainment capacity? Or a like a flag burning protest?

Is that the context which you wish folk to perceive your holy book burning? I.e. a prop in a music video? Or Like Geoff Capes ripping up a phone book? So in this supposed video, you are promoting a song or an act or gym promo and wish to make money from it so anonymity is out of the window? It's for commercial reasons and not a dislike of holy books?
because its illegal under s127 of the communications Act? :LOL:
A person is guilty of an offence if he—

(a)sends by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character; or

(b)causes any such message or matter to be so sent.

You can video it and include your man servant wiping the sweat from your gammon jowls too. I would be careful what you do (publicly) with it though. (y)

No the point is the MP wants to make desecration of religious texts illegal.

So you start with the meaning of desecration. It goes beyond physical destruction.

Are you saying that your own example - which, by your own words, was already covered under incitement - was irrelevant to your point?
Are you saying that your own example - which, by your own words, was already covered under incitement - was irrelevant to your point?
He's tied himself in knots in this thread (again). I'm unsure whether he's portraying this book destroying thing as a gimmick or a genuine hit on a holy book? I doubt whether he even knows what the word 'context' actually means. He's certainly rubbish with UK law, that's for sure. (y)
Oh, you mean in an entertainment capacity? Or a like a flag burning protest?

Is that the context which you wish folk to perceive your holy book burning? I.e. a prop in a music video? Or Like Geoff Capes ripping up a phone book? So in this supposed video, you are promoting a song or an act or gym promo and wish to make money from it so anonymity is out of the window? It's for commercial reasons and not a dislike of holy books?

MBK is flailing around, is all (y)

Probably worn out (like a kid who has spent all afternoon at a trampoline party) by the stolen phone kerfuffle, bless 'im.
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