Well WestMidsChippy, here in Derby there are a lot of Muslims who need no introduction to alcohol, or gambling for that matter.
There's quite a few come out of the mosque on a Friday after prayers and either head to the pub or William Hills. In the main these are younger Muslims, in the age range 18 - 40 yrs old, although there are a few in their 50's who do the same.
Strange that the Muslim community as a whole frown upon such activities, yet don't say anything about their own doing it.
There's quite a few come out of the mosque on a Friday after prayers and either head to the pub or William Hills. In the main these are younger Muslims, in the age range 18 - 40 yrs old, although there are a few in their 50's who do the same.
Strange that the Muslim community as a whole frown upon such activities, yet don't say anything about their own doing it.