Jack Straws comment

Well WestMidsChippy, here in Derby there are a lot of Muslims who need no introduction to alcohol, or gambling for that matter.
There's quite a few come out of the mosque on a Friday after prayers and either head to the pub or William Hills. In the main these are younger Muslims, in the age range 18 - 40 yrs old, although there are a few in their 50's who do the same.
Strange that the Muslim community as a whole frown upon such activities, yet don't say anything about their own doing it.
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Certain age groups that were born and bred in this country were brought up within their own type and culture, so to see an ethnic person is alien to them, ie Straw.

Britain has always encountered change, we went out and murdered our way across the world, imposing Christianity on everyone, now the war is back, now Imperialism is gone, so those that their great grandparents suffered, we as UK Brits suffer.

If you are Black British, and get pulled by the police, then thats being racist.

If you are a Muslim, there are certain rules to obey, and if denied them.

If you are Jewish,

But the point comes where other nationalities, and their rules, overcome ours. So we went out and raped and pillaged in the 1500's, forcing our rule on them, and now they do the same to us, eventually making England a Muslim/Pakistani/Eastern Europe country, and darker skin the predominant driving force in the country?

It's Evolution. It's like a silent war of race.
Mickymoody";p="1859388 said:
Britain has always encountered change, we went out and murdered our way across the world, imposing Christianity on everyone, now the war is back, now Imperialism is gone, so those that their great grandparents suffered, we as UK Brits suffer.
Just under 3% of the Indian population embrace Christianity so what went wrong there?
The Jews were brought over to finance Cromwells new army so your point is?
Some arguments here are good - Most are just clutching @ Straws
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From the sunday telegraph.

"In industrial towns across the North and the Midlands, over the past three years, at least 51 people have been convicted in trials involving groups of men who have picked up young girls for sexual exploitation. Forty-eight of the offenders were Asian; the vast majority of the victims were white. Last week, in Derby, nine men, eight of them Asian, were sentenced for their parts in a gang that groomed, sexually exploited and in some cases raped 27 local children, 22 of them white."

Full article here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8248347/Are-white-girls-really-easy-meat.html
I know somebody who works in in one of those hostels where young people, male and female, stay.
He told me 12 months ago that one of his biggest problem was keeping young non resident asians out of the hostel .
They were soley there with the intention of enticing the young girls out for the evening into top of the range cars.
Once or twice he has been threatened but fortunately he is big enough to take care of himself.
Its so bad he has to arrange his hours to make sure that there is always a male member of staff in attendance.
Why don't we just cut to the chase and let the race wars begin. It's only a matter of time. The longer the pressure builds - the bigger the bang.
Multiculturalism is a recipe for race war. In America you lose your race - and become American. In the UK you even get faith schools to brainwash your kids into some whacky religious doctrine . Roll on the revolution.
Can you imagine what would happen if gangs of white youths were targetting young Pakistani girls?

I imagine mass demos, demands for Shria law in Bradford, summary executions and stonings of white males in the street.

Why do we put up with these people?
It's more of an indictment of our society that we need to bring the colour of the offender's/victim's skin into the report at all.

Maybe you have a point. It wasn't the colour of their skin, but perhaps their religion. You know the one, begins with an 'I'.

The one where they treat women as third class citizens.

That's the problem I have with these people then! :evil:

No no, don’t get confused now. You problem is much simpler, you are a racist to the core.

If the guys were following their religion, they wouldn't be sleeping around let alone being involved in rape. But yes it’s their religion's fault, I’m sure anyone intelligent can follow your logic.
It's more of an indictment of our society that we need to bring the colour of the offender's/victim's skin into the report at all.

Maybe you have a point. It wasn't the colour of their skin, but perhaps their religion. You know the one, begins with an 'I'.

The one where they treat women as third class citizens.

That's the problem I have with these people then! :evil:

No no, don’t get confused now. You problem is much simpler, you are a racist to the core.

If the guys were following their religion, they wouldn't be sleeping around let alone being involved in rape. But yes it’s their religion's fault, I’m sure anyone intelligent can follow your logic.

Or maybe they were following in their prophets’ footsteps. Didn’t he have sex with a 9 year old? Although to be fair he did marry her when she was six. So he did wait a bit.
But, hey, don’t take my word for it as I too am obviously racist (although I can’t see the obvious connection between religion and race)
It's more of an indictment of our society that we need to bring the colour of the offender's/victim's skin into the report at all.

Maybe you have a point. It wasn't the colour of their skin, but perhaps their religion. You know the one, begins with an 'I'.

The one where they treat women as third class citizens.

That's the problem I have with these people then! :evil:

No no, don’t get confused now. You problem is much simpler, you are a racist to the core.

If the guys were following their religion, they wouldn't be sleeping around let alone being involved in rape. But yes it’s their religion's fault, I’m sure anyone intelligent can follow your logic.

And I'm sure that anyone as unintelligent as you can follow your own logic. Where does someone's religion relate to their race??

You can have white European, Asian, Far Eastern or African followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, not a race. So in criticising Islam, how can I be racist.

Listen love, you really need to understand the basics before you go all hysterical (oh no, he's sexist too :rolleyes: ). If you want to take part in forum discussions, please at least know what you are talking about before you post inaccurate nonsensical rubbish.
Interestingly, the police arrested some "Asian men" in Heywood and Rochdale.
They were arrested on 21st December last year. but only now has this been reported.

Strange that GMP say they don't confirm the ethnicity of people arrested, unless it's relevant to the crime. Which they say in this case isn't.
Jack Straw's words seem to dictate otherwise.
I notice it also says, the arrests were the result of an investigation which began in 2008. I do wonder if the men had been white, English people, whether the investigation would have lasted for 2 yrs?
It's more of an indictment of our society that we need to bring the colour of the offender's/victim's skin into the report at all.

Maybe you have a point. It wasn't the colour of their skin, but perhaps their religion. You know the one, begins with an 'I'.

The one where they treat women as third class citizens.

That's the problem I have with these people then! :evil:

No no, don’t get confused now. You problem is much simpler, you are a racist to the core.

If the guys were following their religion, they wouldn't be sleeping around let alone being involved in rape. But yes it’s their religion's fault, I’m sure anyone intelligent can follow your logic.

Rather than having a go at Wspirit for pointing out facts that are available for anyone who chooses to open their eyes, you need to know what some of these nice followers of Islam have planned for their host country, ie. The UK.

The UK police and security services have raised the threat warning, and are busting a gut to keep one step ahead of these 'radicals'. They are possibly planning a Mumbai style attack, downing a plane or two or maybe even a dirty bomb. They're so grateful to their host nation, this is what they plan. Their own countries are in ruins, they want the same for us.

Save your bile for these people, not other posters on here who disagree with their intentions. Perhaps if an atrocity were to happen in The UK SALL2009, then perhaps if one of your children or relatives were victims, you may come to your senses and realise who the real enemies are. However, I doubt you have the intellect. :rolleyes:
It's a case of treading on eggshells to suggest that Asians have taken over out country..but through the years they have. Do you see a newsprogramme without an Asian performer?

England isn't England anymore, as it never was, it was always multicultural. It just needs cultures to get along.
It's more of an indictment of our society that we need to bring the colour of the offender's/victim's skin into the report at all.

Maybe you have a point. It wasn't the colour of their skin, but perhaps their religion. You know the one, begins with an 'I'.

The one where they treat women as third class citizens.

That's the problem I have with these people then! :evil:

No no, don’t get confused now. You problem is much simpler, you are a racist to the core.

If the guys were following their religion, they wouldn't be sleeping around let alone being involved in rape. But yes it’s their religion's fault, I’m sure anyone intelligent can follow your logic.

And I'm sure that anyone as unintelligent as you can follow your own logic. Where does someone's religion relate to their race??

You can have white European, Asian, Far Eastern or African followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, not a race. So in criticising Islam, how can I be racist.

Listen love, you really need to understand the basics before you go all hysterical (oh no, he's sexist too :rolleyes: ). If you want to take part in forum discussions, please at least know what you are talking about before you post inaccurate nonsensical rubbish.

I know what I'm talking about. I know the typical rubbish the likes of you come out with.

You can have white European, Asian, Far Eastern or African followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, not a race. So in criticising Islam, how can I be racist.

I know what you are and you know it too. So don't hide behind technicality.

Islamophobia = Acceptable Racism
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