Jack Straws comment

I can see why Spacecat has never been thanked! Pub Quiz, name in under 60 seconds as many English murderers as you can - Jack the Ripper doesn't count. Fail. Never caught, so nobody knows who he was.

There is a distinct lack of integration, due to the religious differences, and lack of knowledge of different cultures.

Most people are ready to confuse the terms asylum seeker, with illegal immigrant, and then set up protests to protect an illegal immigrant from deportation, but attack asylum seekers..? The Worlds gone mad!

But foreign people to this Island, are free to travel here, and tend to set up their own communities, and don't integrate, and people don't understand other people's religious beliefs, which causes suspicion, there should be more integration. But as is the case in many other countries, when in their country, abide by their laws. When in Greece do as the Greek do, no veils, funny beards and hats, turbans, just bowler hats and suits, no Burberry allowed.
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Of course there is a link they are all high profile crimes committed by white people and yet not one of those crimes and lets face it hundreds more have led to the demonisation of white people, why should one or two lead to a hatred of all asian people?
its funny now how white people are suddenly scared of asians, who were once seen as a soft touch, someone who you could "**** bash", think of all the misery inflicted on them by white people for decades because of the color of their skin, the food they ate, the name calling, racist skinheads. You have a short memory why would they want to integrate after all that abuse?

Now suddenly post 9/11 and 7/7 they are the scariest things you ever saw.

And its only a tiny minority who are involved in such extremism......hmm I wonder where all that extra resentment and anger may have come from.
Perhaps years of seeing their parents taking abuse from racist thugs who now say why don't you want to integrate!

Hardly welcomed warmly over the years eh now your seeing the backlash of that ill treatment
Of course there is a link they are all high profile crimes committed by white people and yet not one of those crimes and lets face it hundreds more have led to the demonisation of white people, why should one or two lead to a hatred of all asian people?
its funny now how white people are suddenly scared of asians, who were once seen as a soft touch, someone who you could "**** bash", think of all the misery inflicted on them by white people for decades because of the color of their skin, the food they ate, the name calling, racist skinheads. You have a short memory why would they want to integrate after all that abuse?

Now suddenly post 9/11 and 7/7 they are the scariest things you ever saw.

And its only a tiny minority who are involved in such extremism......hmm I wonder where all that extra resentment and anger may have come from.
Perhaps years of seeing their parents taking abuse from racist thugs who now say why don't you want to integrate!

Hardly welcomed warmly over the years eh now your seeing the backlash of that ill treatment

I think the extremism comes from the British, colonising these colonies. They didn't ask the British to attack, and teach them to become religious. Maybe if we left them alone, to form their own communities, then they wouldn't inundate us today? Maybe they want to attack to defend their homeland, their religion, their way of life, that they have lived for millenia?
Of course there is a link they are all high profile crimes committed by white people and yet not one of those crimes and lets face it hundreds more have led to the demonisation of white people, why should one or two lead to a hatred of all asian people?
its funny now how white people are suddenly scared of asians, who were once seen as a soft touch, someone who you could "**** bash", think of all the misery inflicted on them by white people for decades because of the color of their skin, the food they ate, the name calling, racist skinheads. You have a short memory why would they want to integrate after all that abuse?

Now suddenly post 9/11 and 7/7 they are the scariest things you ever saw.

And its only a tiny minority who are involved in such extremism......hmm I wonder where all that extra resentment and anger may have come from.
Perhaps years of seeing their parents taking abuse from racist thugs who now say why don't you want to integrate!

Hardly welcomed warmly over the years eh now your seeing the backlash of that ill treatment

Yet more crap :rolleyes:
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Yet more crap :rolleyes:[/quote]

Spoken like the ignorant racist that you are, with people like you around nothing will ever change, touched a nerve or pricked a guilty conscience eh

People never want to admit their own failings and responsibilty for bad things that happen
trouble is white people in the uk love to label non whites when they do something but wouldnt dream of doing it to themselves

peter sutcliffe
denis neilsen
raol moat
that taxi driver bloke in cumbria
The hungerford killings
Myra Hindley and Ian Brady
countless dads who OFF their wife and kids and then themselves
Bulger Killers
Ian Huntley
Ipswich prostitute killer
Jack the RIPPER!
those play centre workers who fiddled al those kids
Fred and Rosemary West
Austrian cellar bloke ...ok not british but!
Sarah Payne Killer


Jack the RIPPER!
Really. Please do tell! In fact don't. Release a book and make a fortune! Or failing that shut up as you are talking ****e...

all the best

Jack the RIPPER!
Really. Please do tell! In fact don't. Release a book and make a fortune! Or failing that shut up as you are talking s***te...

all the best[/quote]

It's funny talking to morons you pick on the obvious JOKE and utterly miss the REAL point

But I guess thats what makes you a moron :rolleyes:
trouble is white people in the uk love to label non whites when they do something but wouldnt dream of doing it to themselves

peter sutcliffe
denis neilsen
raol moat
that taxi driver bloke in cumbria
The hungerford killings
Myra Hindley and Ian Brady
countless dads who OFF their wife and kids and then themselves
Bulger Killers
Ian Huntley
Ipswich prostitute killer
Jack the RIPPER!
those play centre workers who fiddled al those kids
Fred and Rosemary West
Austrian cellar bloke ...ok not british but!
Sarah Payne Killer


You are talking complete rubbish, and your list is absolutely meaningless: the reason is, that although all of the perpatrators were caucasian, their crimes are all aginst different catagories of people. Eg;

Peter Sutcliffe murdered prostitutes/young women
Denis Neilsen murdered gay men
Raol Moat, domestic incident that got out of hand
Derrick Bird (taxi driver - Cumbria) - murdered colleagues/strangers
Hindley & Brady - murdered children

Your list is totally random, as it doesn't highlight a speific trend.

The reason why there is so much controversy about groups of Asian men roaming the streets looking for young white girls to intoxicate and drug in order to have sex with them, is that it isn't an isolated incident, or one group of people carrying it out. It is a reasonably new trend, which appears to be happening more and more. One of the worse aspects however, is that the police seem to be covering up what is happening, so as not to appear racist or incite racial tensions.

Those are the facts Spacecat, and your argument is purely that white people commit murder. What a revelation!
By the same token
Serial killers are white
paedos are white

As for the roaming around in groups looking for intoxicated girls to have sex with isn't that the basis of every BRIT abroad holiday you can think of.ibiza, magaluf
and every town centre in the uk on a friday night

What about 1000s of fat old white guys who go on sex holidays to places like thailand and have sex with underage girls no mentions that anymore

No one said it wasn't a serious and nasty crime but the way some carry on every asian man was at it, the actual amount who might be involved is miniscule but the knee jerk idiots love to quickly stereotype all without looking at their own behavior

Yet more crap :rolleyes:[/quote]

Spoken like the ignorant racist that you are, with people like you around nothing will ever change, touched a nerve or pricked a guilty conscience eh

People never want to admit their own failings and responsibilty for bad things that happen[/quote]

And yet more crap.
Yet more crap :rolleyes:[/quote]

Spoken like the ignorant racist that you are, with people like you around nothing will ever change, touched a nerve or pricked a guilty conscience eh

People never want to admit their own failings and responsibilty for bad things that happen[/quote][/code:1]

And why is the quote coming out like crap too.
By the same token
Serial killers are white
paedos are white

As for the roaming around in groups looking for intoxicated girls to have sex with isn't that the basis of every BRIT abroad holiday you can think of.ibiza, magaluf
and every town centre in the uk on a friday night

What about 1000s of fat old white guys who go on sex holidays to places like thailand and have sex with underage girls no mentions that anymore

No one said it wasn't a serious and nasty crime but the way some carry on every asian man was at it, the actual amount who might be involved is miniscule but the knee jerk idiots love to quickly stereotype all without looking at their own behavior

Serial killers, you are indeed left with only the white ones once you take out the asian and black ones.
No Muslim pedophiles :eek: most of em are.

You really are full of ****.
I have no doubt that there are good and bad in all sections of society. The big difference is that, in white, Christian society, if we know of or hear about someone doing wrong, we probably report that person to the police.
Asian Muslim society tend to keep things to themselves. They believe it's not their place to report a fellow Muslim to the authorities.
In this way we have learned to mistrust them, just as much as they mistrust us. They believe in honour killings, sharia law etc. They think a woman who commits adultery should be stoned to death and the man who commits adultery probably should receive a few lashes. (that's the difference between men and women too. Notice the woman receives a harsher sentence than men)
Same with radicalised Muslims who want to commit acts of terrorism. A Muslim wouldn't report his neighbour , simply because he's a fellow Muslim

We don't believe that someone who's committed adultery should be stoned. Do we? Perhaps some feel that person should be ostracised in some way, but certainly not stoned or whipped.
How many of us, if we knew our neighbour was planning an act of terrorism, wouldn't report him to the police?

And still there are people here who would defend them, those that plot and scheme against our way of life.
Just remember this,,,, If they hate the west so much,,,, Why on earth are they living here, leading western lifestyles ?
By the same token
paedos are white

As for the roaming around in groups looking for intoxicated girls to have sex with isn't that the basis of every BRIT abroad holiday you can think of.ibiza, magaluf

Some of the girls they targeted were 13, so aren't these asians paedos too?


As for looking for intoxicated girls, once again you haven't done your research. They were plying them with alcohol and cocaine.

As for Brits abroad, I don't think that groups of men in their 30s are looking for 13 year old girls who they will then get drunk and drugged, then force themselves on them. :rolleyes: Never heard of a 13 - 30 holiday! :D
Your responses are all so selective and entrenched that no matter what was put in front of you, you would never accept or even consider any other viewpoint

thats just typical of the bigoted views endemic in british society and in it's own way just another form of what you call radicalization

The hysterical viewpoint that white people are more likely to turn each other in is beyond reason, NOT being a GRASS is ingrained in english culture so please dont make out that somehow white christian people are more moral

White men beat,rape and murder their women, they cover each others crimes as do their families . Those pesky krays always being dobbed in

I'm not saying that there are not bad things in all cultures but don't make out that one is worse than the other and somehow being white is better

Look at your history and think back on the crimes against humanity all over the world against so many peoples, systematic genocide, theft, slavery and exploitation that your whole wealth and empire was based on and wonder why you are not MORE despised world wide than you are.

Still unlikely from a bunch of WHITE van men...........oh dear I have stereotyped
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