Jack Straws comment

Interestingly, the police arrested some "Asian men" in Heywood and Rochdale.
They were arrested on 21st December last year. but only now has this been reported.

Strange that GMP say they don't confirm the ethnicity of people arrested, unless it's relevant to the crime. Which they say in this case isn't.
Jack Straw's words seem to dictate otherwise.
I notice it also says, the arrests were the result of an investigation which began in 2008. I do wonder if the men had been white, English people, whether the investigation would have lasted for 2 yrs?

And police arrest men and women everyday for all sorts of crimes. The news reports only manage to forget to mention "white" in those cases.

Look at all the crimes reported recently, majority don't have Asian (men/women) arrested in the reports etc, so what race does it make the arrested "man/woman"?

The majority of paedophiles arrested are white. Do you think it’s something to do with their up bringing? Or maybe their religion?
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I think that some cultures are better placed to realise what is happening with, by and to the members of those cultures.

I'm not criticising or identifying any one or more cultures here, just raising some of the differences between them.

I'm referring to Tönnies' (A German Sociologist) school of thought when he coined the phrase of Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft.
Very mush simplified and perhaps applied in a different way:
One describing a village mentality where everyone knew what everyone else was up to, and the other being the 'Big City' mentality where it is easy to live an anonymous, private lifestyle.

Some cultures have a 'village life' mentality and others have the 'Big City' mentality. (An exaggerated generalism)

One of the real problems created by racism (and 'religionism', for the pedantics) and it's actions is to alienate some cultures from the various institutions making it undesirable or 'treacherous' for some people of one culture to report some of their members to what is perceived as an institute of another culture.

We observed this phenomenon in Northern Ireland during recent history, where it was very definitely 'religionism'.
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Its funny reading this thread ok this is a nasty crime and there seems to be a cultural slant to these particular crime, but% wise how many asian men do this?
Probably an unmeasurably low amount yet some of you act like everyone of them is at it. I suppose therefore that all white men are football hooligans and paedos

I don't know why they bother , go to any town centre and some white slapper will blow you if you buy her a bacardi breezer
I'm only 9. Can't wait for puberty. Is it all it's cracked up to be? :p
Yeah, your voice changes.
Your balls get bigger.
Women love you.
Thai women luv you long time for 5 dollar.

Well worth growing up!
It's more of an indictment of our society that we need to bring the colour of the offender's/victim's skin into the report at all.

Maybe you have a point. It wasn't the colour of their skin, but perhaps their religion. You know the one, begins with an 'I'.

The one where they treat women as third class citizens.

That's the problem I have with these people then! :evil:

No no, don’t get confused now. You problem is much simpler, you are a racist to the core.

If the guys were following their religion, they wouldn't be sleeping around let alone being involved in rape. But yes it’s their religion's fault, I’m sure anyone intelligent can follow your logic.

And I'm sure that anyone as unintelligent as you can follow your own logic. Where does someone's religion relate to their race??

You can have white European, Asian, Far Eastern or African followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, not a race. So in criticising Islam, how can I be racist.

Listen love, you really need to understand the basics before you go all hysterical (oh no, he's sexist too :rolleyes: ). If you want to take part in forum discussions, please at least know what you are talking about before you post inaccurate nonsensical rubbish.

I know what I'm talking about. I know the typical rubbish the likes of you come out with.

You can have white European, Asian, Far Eastern or African followers of Islam. Islam is a religion, not a race. So in criticising Islam, how can I be racist.

I know what you are and you know it too. So don't hide behind technicality.

Islamophobia = Acceptable Racism

What do you mean hide behing a technicality love? You're the one with the chip on each shoulder, determined to label someone, even if it is inaccurate, just because your miniscule brain has been washed to react in a hysterical way to anyone who believes in straight talking and free speach. And you still try to justify yourself.

This could be classed as libel, and if went to court, your 'technicality' would be laughed out of court.

Get back to your Guardian love, and stop making wild, baseless and inaccurate accusations.
trouble is white people in the uk love to label non whites when they do something but wouldnt dream of doing it to themselves

peter sutcliffe
denis neilsen
raol moat
that taxi driver bloke in cumbria
The hungerford killings
Myra Hindley and Ian Brady
countless dads who OFF their wife and kids and then themselves
Bulger Killers
Ian Huntley
Ipswich prostitute killer
Jack the RIPPER!
those play centre workers who fiddled al those kids
Fred and Rosemary West
Austrian cellar bloke ...ok not british but!
Sarah Payne Killer

no link there buddy.

give or take 60 odd million people.
white (christian/catholic/atheist/smurph/all the ******aroo pixie faires) british equates to 'approx' 45-50 million and you have not even named more then 20 yet with the muslims and etc
plus some of those crimes are how old o_O

perhaps we have only heard this because there aint much PRESSING news about or perhaps it could be the truth or something with a hidden agenda type of thing behind it, either way it is about time to have came to a decision about what it is you actually believe in and stop quoting some crap you have read out of some newspaper.
get out there and try and talk to 'em (doesn't count as talking when you walk into a shop and say thanks after purchasing something), see if you have anything in commen with them and if not blah blah if there is anychance of a compromise.

where i am, birmingham, which is full to the brim of muslims i can see with my very own two eyes that the majority of 'em do not want to intergrate with anyone else but muslims.
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