Japanese Tsunami

Another reactor has exploded, unexpected

No reactors have exploded. The reactors are intact (although unit 2 is feared to be damaged by this explosion). And I think pretty much everyone was expecting it, they seem dead set on venting into the containment building and blowing the roof off.
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Another reactor has exploded, unexpected

No reactors have exploded. The reactors are intact (although unit 2 is feared to be damaged by this explosion). And I think pretty much everyone was expecting it, they seem dead set on venting into the containment building and blowing the roof off.

Heard on the news - 'A reactor has been heard to of exploded'.

You state 'Although unit 2 is feared to be damaged by this explosion'..explain?
Another reactor has exploded, unexpected

No reactors have exploded. The reactors are intact (although unit 2 is feared to be damaged by this explosion). And I think pretty much everyone was expecting it, they seem dead set on venting into the containment building and blowing the roof off.

Heard on the news - 'A reactor has been heard to of exploded'.

You state 'Although unit 2 is feared to be damaged by this explosion'..explain?

No reactor has exploded. Unit 2 at Fukushima I has suffered an explosion, likely hydrogen like the previous explosions at units 1 and 3. There have been reports of possible but unspecified damage, and radiation levels around the reactor are extremely high. The extent of the damage won't be known for some time, but the reactor itself did not (and essentially can not) explode.
No reactor has exploded. Unit 2 at Fukushima I has suffered an explosion, likely hydrogen like the previous explosions at units 1 and 3. There have been reports of possible but unspecified damage, and radiation levels around the reactor are extremely high. The extent of the damage won't be known for some time, but the reactor itself did not (and essentially can not) explode.

Read more: //www.diynot.com:80/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1931723#1931723#ixzz1GctZbt72[/QUOTE]

You say no reactor has suffered an explosion, but then say, there are explosions..well done. Then you said it did not explode; then say it did. Are you mental?
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No reactor has exploded. Unit 2 at Fukushima I has suffered an explosion, likely hydrogen like the previous explosions at units 1 and 3. There have been reports of possible but unspecified damage, and radiation levels around the reactor are extremely high. The extent of the damage won't be known for some time, but the reactor itself did not (and essentially can not) explode.

Read more: //www.diynot.com:80/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1931723#1931723#ixzz1GctZbt72[/QUOTE]

You say no reactor has suffered an explosion, but then say, there are explosions..well done. Then you said it did not explode; then say it did. Are you mental?

I said no reactor has exploded. I did not say there was not an explosion within the reactor building.
yet again MM has a few challenges regarding the actual events of a situation.
It was really frightening.
Prayers for the people of Japan
Prayers to who??? The same deity that allowed this to happen in the first place. Surely that should tell you one of two things. Either he doesn't exist, or if he does, he's a bit of a barstid. :rolleyes:
No reactor has exploded. Unit 2 at Fukushima I has suffered an explosion, likely hydrogen like the previous explosions at units 1 and 3. There have been reports of possible but unspecified damage, and radiation levels around the reactor are extremely high. The extent of the damage won't be known for some time, but the reactor itself did not (and essentially can not) explode.

Read more: //www.diynot.com:80/forums/viewtopic.php?p=1931723#1931723#ixzz1GctZbt72[/QUOTE]

You say no reactor has suffered an explosion, but then say, there are explosions..well done. Then you said it did not explode; then say it did. Are you mental?

The building housing the reactor core suffered an explosion, the reactor core itself is, i believe, intact.
The sick disaster jokes appear in the pub within hours

Not in Irish pubs they certainly don't.
Of course the Irish know how to enjoy themselves without having to mock the plight of other people.
That said if a tsumnani hit the southern coast of england there might well be a few cheers go up in certain pubs.
I do'nt think the English will see the humour if that happened.

North of the border they might tho. ;)
Well if it was full of people mocking other peoples plight then no big loss eh?
No I believe they were just full of people having a normal day, being sociable, that sort of stuff...till the paddy's came calling.

Why do you think the english are hated through out the world?

I know why the japs are. Do you?
After what they unleashed on the world not so long ago, a few jokes at their expense at this terrible time of national tragedy is only to be expected. Having said that I wish those poor people all the best, things there are desperate beyond belief.
What a 2 FACED COMMENT , that shows your level of humanity you despicable germ. ;)
What a 2 FACED COMMENT , that shows your level of humanity you despicable germ.

Wishing them well in their present misfortunes, despite the terrible misdeeds of the past is pretty big hearted of me, you're quite right. It's just the kind of guy I am I guess. Though I fail to see how it's two faced.
You, however.....can fork right off rsole. :rolleyes:
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