Kings coronation bank holiday.

A recent poll..


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The good ol'happy days


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Not interested in the monarchy at all, however, history proved that democracy doesn't work, so I'm all for one head of state in charge of all decisions rather than a group of useless people who never worked one single day, deciding how to waste my money.
I visited Libya in Gaddafi's times and my Lord, it was a glorious trip!
The place was fantastic, safe, clean, people were courteous and friendly, prices were affordable for the locals.
Speaking to our guide, everybody had a roof over their head and a job, youths were in full time education (boys and girls), they wore western clothes and girls wore skirts.
Then democracy was imposed upon them and see what Libya has become!
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Two words and the second one is 'off'...

Anyone who kowtows to another person whatever their status is by default showing their inferiority complex...

Respect is a different thing, and I have respect for many people I know both friends and family...

But that doesn't include an unelected head of state who has gained a position of unbelievable wealth and influence by an accident of birth...

Oh, and he's a completely stupid adulterous twát to boot!

Why would anyone want to swear allegiance to such a person?
You're confusing the characters with the role.

Not interested in the monarchy at all, however, history proved that democracy doesn't work, so I'm all for one head of state in charge of all decisions rather than a group of useless people who never worked one single day, deciding how to waste my money.
I visited Libya in Gaddafi's times and my Lord, it was a glorious trip!
The place was fantastic, safe, clean, people were courteous and friendly, prices were affordable for the locals.
Speaking to our guide, everybody had a roof over their head and a job, youths were in full time education (boys and girls), they wore western clothes and girls wore skirts.
Then democracy was imposed upon them and see what Libya has become!
Tour guides have a habit of bigging up their country, I heard the same in Soviet Russia, China
Ah yes, decency, tolerance, the cornerstones of the monarchy through the ages.

English maybe but of strong German descent, no?

The monarchy built its wealth through (often) unprincipled rampant policies served up against its own subjects and countries across the world.

I wouldn't for a nano sec wish any of them any harm, however to me the whole concept in this day and age is outdated.
The average Brit will have a very varied DNA heritage including quite a lot of Saxon, it's what makes us (historically) diverse, more diverse than is always appreciated. The Irish, for example, are far more pure blooded than the English.

I’ve no doubt that the land my house is built on was at some point in time taken by somebody who was not the original settler/owner but how far back can you go? Who owns the land on which your house was built and how did they happen to own it?
I was once told by a Council surveyor that the Crown owns all land and we mere mortals hold it against them, which is how compulsory purchase works.

According to political science (not a real science) being a monarchist is associated with politics on the right, not left.

I always knew I was a leftie.
Nah you're a closet Cromwellian.

I shall be travelling to watch a rugby match.

Not a big fan of Royalty of late, bickering, back stabbing, entitled bunch of prats who have lost touch with reality. If Charles wants people to swear allegiance perhaps he should start with his own family.
To be fair I think the swearing allegiance thing is probably media hype. It's likely to be a left over from previous ceremonies.

A bit like "honour and obey" in marriage, when they really mean "take you to the cleaners if you leave me".
You're confusing the characters with the role.
Not at all...

I guess you missed the 'whatever their status' bit :rolleyes:

So who would you consider kowtowing to whatever their 'role'?
I shall be travelling to watch a rugby match.

Not a big fan of Royalty of late, bickering, back stabbing, entitled bunch of prats who have lost touch with reality. If Charles wants people to swear allegiance perhaps he should start with his own family.
You mean the way they've always been ;)

They have a (usually) very good PR machine around them. In some ways, the progression of modern media (including social) must be a nightmare for institutions like a royal family. Not as easy to sweep stuff under the carpet.
A bit like "honour and obey" in marriage, when they really mean "take you to the cleaners if you leave me".
Or if you're a 'royal', it's take you to Coutts and get you to stfu...

Only that hasn't happened recently has it, because some have started to question the activities of the 'firm'...

Like the rest of the UK ruling class, the monarchy is sinking into a cesspit of corruption and elitist b*llshit...

It's only a matter of time before ordinary folk take action!
Tour guides have a habit of bigging up their country, I heard the same in Soviet Russia, China
Backed up by what we were seeing in our experience.
We had the afternoon off and we were told to feel free to go around and explore.
Nobody bothered us, in fact, when we got lost people were very good at trying to communicate despite not speaking english.
We bought lots of stuff and nobody tried to rip us off, in fact, most things had the price on it.
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