Our analysis looks at health and social care funding in the UK, highlighting how it has changed over time, the impact of COVID-19, and the variation across the UK.
Our analysis looks at health and social care funding in the UK, highlighting how it has changed over time, the impact of COVID-19, and the variation across the UK.
In 2021, public spending on health represented approximately 7.3 percent of the Spanish GDP, a slight decrease relative to the figures reported a year prior.
Lie number one missed the 7 to get your pulse rate up.
Got this one near.
The NHS employs ridiculous numbers of people. Many of which are heavily unionised, many of which know that they earn lots of money for doing very little, most of which have dependent family members.
So if you attempt any debate about the NHS anywhere in the UK, there's a good chance that some of those with their snouts in the trough will defend the current mess at all costs, deliberately skewing numbers and lying to try and make a case for keeping everything just as it is.
So debate is probably pointless, far too many have parasitic dependence on it to be able to have an objective discussion. Ironically, the massive level of inefficient and overpaid employment probably means it's too big to be criticised.
The Labour party won't ever reform it, as they're part-funded by the unions who make their money from the people who work there. Corrupt all the way.