Labour Conference

Why did Monsanto have to change its business model and Bayer picked up the tab.
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Why did Monsanto have to change its business model and Bayer picked up the tab.

Come again?

Bayer bought Monsanto and had to settle its outstanding legal liabilities - as it should or are you arguing they shoul not have?

What angle are you coming at?
Labour created benefit dependency with tax credits, paying people to do non-jobs to get them off the unemployment figures by doing something pointless for a few hours a week. This was when everyone started dog-walking and cleaning businesses, just to qualify for handouts.
Evidence required
View attachment 317044

Source: ONS here...

The "Tory Cuts" that Labour bangs on about are just outright lies. In fact it looks like healthcare spending decreased under labour.

You can’t simply compare spending adjusted for inflation

I suggest you look at real spending adjusted for population increase + demographic structure

here are the facts:

“The last 40 years can be characterised as a period of increases averaging 2.1% in the 17 years prior to 1997, followed by 13 years of much higher growth, averaging 5.7% a year between 1997/98 and 2009/10.

But in the decade leading up to the pandemic, real-terms spending increases per head averaged just 0.4% a year and included four years in which spending per head actually fell. This has been a period of stagnation in terms of the resources available to the NHS to fund improvements in health care quality”

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You can’t simply compare spending adjusted for inflation

I suggest you look at real spending adjusted for population increase + demographic structure

here are the facts:

“The last 40 years can be characterised as a period of increases averaging 2.1% in the 17 years prior to 1997, followed by 13 years of much higher growth, averaging 5.7% a year between 1997/98 and 2009/10.

But in the decade leading up to the pandemic, real-terms spending increases per head averaged just 0.4% a year and included four years in which spending per head actually fell. This has been a period of stagnation in terms of the resources available to the NHS to fund improvements in health care quality”

Cool, so basically all we need to do is give the NHS a 50% real terms increase every year and all will be well.

We often hear that the NHS used to be 'the envy of the world', funny that no other country has tried to replicate it, they could, quite easily, but choose not to.
Nobody on any council estate anywhere in the country talks like him. Not saying it's a problem, but he really shouldn't be playing the class card, it's not real.

But trying to discuss reality with the labour fanatics is a lot like that time I attempted a philosophical discussion with a Jehovah's Witness on the doorstep.

Nobody on any council estate anywhere in the country talks like him. Not saying it's a problem, but he really shouldn't be playing the class card, it's not real.

But trying to discuss reality with the labour fanatics is a lot like that time I attempted a philosophical discussion with a Jehovah's Witness on the doorstep.

Ivor cant provide a shred of evidence to support his post:

"Labour created benefit dependency with tax credits, paying people to do non-jobs to get them off the unemployment figures by doing something pointless for a few hours a week. This was when everyone started dog-walking and cleaning businesses, just to qualify for handouts."
Cool, so basically all we need to do is give the NHS a 50% real terms increase every year and all will be well.

We often hear that the NHS used to be 'the envy of the world', funny that no other country has tried to replicate it, they could, quite easily, but choose not to.

That is some twisted logic. How old are you? You couldn't afford a private healthcare system like in the US which it seems you are gagging for.

Their costs - even admin costs are out of control creating invoices and chasing invoices. They spend multiples more on admin than we do in the NHS.

The NHS needs investment for the simple fact we have an aging population - so moving to a private system is not going to solve that.

You really need to think before you post.
They'll all be independents in a bit.

The problem this country faces and by extension both parties is we have an aging population and low growth with rising debt.

Simple solutions like stop universal credit, pensions - really are childish unless you want civil war and anarchy?
What is defintely not the envy of the world is the broken US Healthcare system.
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