Labour councillor inciting violence.

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On 3 July 2023, the Israeli military conducted a major assault on the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. The Israeli government stated that the goal of the operation, named "Operation Home and Garden", was to target militants within the camp.[8]

The attack began in the early hours of 3 July and resulted in the deaths of at least 12 Palestinians, including at least 9 militants,[4] and injuries to 100 others.[3][9] The military emphasized that the operation is "one in a series", limited to the refugee camp area in Jenin.[10] Up to 500 Palestinian families had to leave their homes due to the Israeli assault.[11]
Did those that took part in the October 7th assault against innocent festival goers have a stated goal of operation?
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So it was all sweetness and light before the 7th? And you talk about the blinkers of others.
If it was against the Israeli army I could understand, but innocent unarmed festival goers? Sorry, I have no sympathy for the attackers.

I suppose you think that the twin towers attack was justified as well by the poor downtrodden Muslims?

What about the 7/7 attacks?

Manchester arena bombing?
Well you think that it ok to fight barbarism with barbarism. I did say that works both ways.
I can only speak from experience. In the past I’ve belonged to several car and motorcycle forums which also had GD or 'off topic' sections. There was an ‘introductions, section where you could introduce yourself and most people got to know each other by name, we used to buy, sell and swap stuff which involved knowing who we were dealing with, we had regular bi-monthly meetings at pubs as well as a Christmas get together. There was never the kind of bitter bickering and pure hatred that you see on this forum - often purely based on how you voted in general elections and referendums.
None of that is identifying yourself fully on a forum.

If you want people to be identified then it needs serious information. Proof of name, address, credit card or bank account, ni number, passport number, driver licence number etc. All useful to hackers.

It sounds good til you get to the detail. Not too good on details though are you.
Proof of name, address, credit card or bank account, ni number, passport number, driver licence number etc. All useful to hackers.
Didn’t give my credit card, bank account details, ni number, passport number, driving licence number to join a forum. I take it you’ve never bought anything online, bought or sold anything on eBay or Amazon, took out a phone contract, booked a flight or hired a car before then?
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