Labour town hall ignoring warnings about grooming gangs

trying to pass the buck off responsibility to a specific unconnected part off society says more about the accusers

Rubbish, social services, the council, the police and indeed whoever was director of public prosecutions at the time were and are all culpable.

How dare you blame 'us', friends family and neighbours did voice concerns, those concerns were ignored.
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Rubbish, social services, the council, the police and indeed whoever was director of public prosecutions at the time were and are all culpable.

How dare you blame 'us', friends family and neighbours did voice concerns, those concerns were ignored.
as i said we are all responsible --the fact you disagree shows you have a different point off view to mine no more ---both opinions are just as valid
and as i said social services are civilians admittedly more powers than some but still need a judge to agree
as i said we are all responsible

No, we are not all responsible. If in some way, you feel you are guilty of aiding the gang rape of vulnerable members of society, fair enough, but don't include me.
No, we are not all responsible. If in some way, you feel you are guilty of aiding the gang rape of vulnerable members of society, fair enough, but don't include me.
off course we are all responsible this includes reporting crimes iff we report and no action is taken then providing we have given enough gravitas to the situation we have done our best
nowhere at all have i said anything that can be seen as blaming the innocent, that just seems to be in your mind not my words
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this comment seems rather bizzar and i will assume beer oclock has happened as its impossible to make that connection in any way to me or my comments ???
as per my"pure eveil has happened" above
"If in some way, you feel you are guilty of aiding the gang rape of vulnerable members of society, fair enough, but don't include me. "
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sorry if the last post is a bit hard to read but didnt want to move the content about to stop being accused off manipulation or deception as something i abhor
Rubbish, social services, the council, the police and indeed whoever was director of public prosecutions at the time were and are all culpable.
You’ve missed out the government
They have control over all those bodies

Director of public prosecutions has nothing really to do with it
a good good thread pointless heading
pure eveil has happened
councilors are civilians as we all are
they have opinions like we all do
its the whole off society thats responsible for reporting wrong doing
that can be freinds and family
neibours or anyone with a reasonable suspicion

trying to pass the buck off responsibility to a specific unconnected part off society says more about the accusers
There was a female MP, dead now, from a Yorkshire constiuency who campaigned tirelessly to raise concerns about these individuals. She was pretty much ignored by the media, politicians on all sides, and the police. In fact society as a whole didn't seem to want to know about the elephant in the room whether it was the churches (all denominations) , care homes, teachers, voluntary groups, football clubs. The police got away pretty much scot free because they were aware of the exploitation.
It goes back further than that, to the Falklands, and rightly so.

"We asked Mitterrand not to give assistance to the Argentinians. If you're asking me: 'Are the French duplicitous people?' the answer is: 'Of course they are, and they always have been.'"
You could go back to King Harrold on that basis, although that just reminds us what a lot of French heritage the country has.

Wasnt it Maggie who cut back on naval patrols around tne falk lands thus giving the argies cause to think we weren't bothered.
Let's hope so. The Labour rabble need to understand where they stand in the order of things.
A new world order where labor stand in a hierarchy just below those two is not one i am keen to live in. I suspect its only a matter of time before Musck is kicked out of the inner circle, hopefully before he is awarded the billion dollar military contracts he seems to be after.
You could go back to King Harrold on that basis, although that just reminds us what a lot of French heritage the country has.
You could go back over a thousand years before that and find that those who proclaim to be 'proud little anglo saxons' have more Scandinavian DNA in them than they believe ;)

Wasnt it Maggie who cut back on naval patrols around tne falk lands thus giving the argies cause to think we weren't bothered.
You can go further back (to the sixties) when there were secret talks and the two countries signed an agreement in 1968 stating that "The UK would recognise Argentina’s sovereignty over the Islands from a date to be agreed”

And yet when Thatcher was losing popularity, the conflict was quite convenient...

But when considering whether we are collectively responsible for a particular issue, we have to have a system whereby we know what is going on...

And the establishment prefers to treat people like mushrooms!

Plus many crimes are not reported because many people believe the system doesn't work (and it often doesn't), so there is an attitude of 'what's the point'...

In addition many people only moan about what fits in with their own ideologies/prejudices...

A bit like bemoaning the French for arming Argentina but ignoring the fact that israel did the same ;)
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You could go back over a thousand years before that and find that those who proclaim to be 'proud little anglo saxons' have more Scandinavian DNA in them than they believe ;)
So we are European after all. Who'd have thunk it

You can go further back (to the sixties) when there were secret talks and the two countries signed an agreement in 1968 stating that "The UK would recognise Argentina’s sovereignty over the Islands from a date to be agreed”
Not keen on going to war with France, the last big one took a hundred years
And yet when Thatcher was losing popularity, the conflict was quite convenient...

Sadly true of many PM's of all parties. I think on balance we were right to retake the islands, enough time has passed to do a sensible sale and leaseback deal with Arentina, with re patriation rights for the islanders who wish to leave.. It wont happen because the islands are a reminder that we were once an empire, and give hope to those who still think we are.
Tories are right wing

They've spent the last 40 years transferring wealth from poor people to rich people

They espouse the ideology of free market liberalism

They are right wing
You have done very well out of them
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