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Herself weaned me on to veggie meats over ten years ago now and they have that meaty-munchy taste to give an allusion to red meat, but i still like my chicken dinner and no way can i give up sausages. The veggie versions are alright i suppose, i like the red onion/rosemary. I can't get on with Quorn, though. It has an odd texture, but the best way i've found to get the protein and stay veggie-kosher is mushrooms. 'Shrooms are so versatile you can put 'em in just about anything and i've become a dab hand with a stir-fry.

Oh, I thought all veggie food was Quorn. I only accidentality tried Quorn once and couldn't eat it, so I have never tried other veggie. I wouldn't call myself a big meat eater, but I do like some meat with most meals. I'm very particular about what meat I do eat, especially I'm finicky about the quality of sausages and any meat which is 'formed and shaped'. The lower the meat content/the finer it is minced, the less chance I will eat it. I will not eat the likes of chicken Kiev, unless they are made from the whole breast. I never buy the likes of hot dog sausages.

When buying sausages I always check the meat content and the price per Kg, the higher the price, the greater the meat content. At the moment, I look for as close to £6 per Kg as I can find.
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All Quorn is veggie meats, but not all veggie meats are Quorn;)
I couldn't eat Chicken Kiev/kyiv as i garlic doesn't agree with me, and i don't buy hot dog's to eat in, but find 'em hard to resist at a fair or a festival. Sausages are always good from my butchers; been having 'em from there since i were a lad. Nothing else tastes as good.
I bought some Vegan butter for 10p... its really not bad
I bought some Vegan butter for 10p... its really not bad
It's not too difficult to make your own, if you have the time - take a carton of double cream and whisk til it's thickened, sieve out the buttermilk, squeeze the butter into a ball and rinse in a bowl of ice cold water to get rid of any remaining residue. Beat in a pinch of salt (i use sea salt) and let it rest in the fridge. I only do it to use up herbs, like rosemary, as we have a large rosemary bush that always keeps on giving. Chopped up it's a fine additive to cooking or when i melt some to make bread. I'll also add rosemary to olive oil and let it infuse. Very tasty for salad dressings.

How much butter can you get for 10p?
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