LIVE ITV debate

Tories 'promised' to reduce immigration. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Maybe it's unreasonable to expect them to achieve this overnight. But in 14 fecking years!!!!?????
This is where it becomes genuinely laughable. You can take any party that's been in government for a long time, coupled with anything they haven't delivered on, and to hear them say during the run up to a GE 'we're going to sort x' when they've done very little if anything about x in the preceding years is simply laughable.
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i didn't watch but kindly BBC summarised it a bit via sections. They said the most noticeable thing was Angela getting lots of attacks, Tory one usual but not no plan now - not that I heard anyway.

Others spend more on various aspects. Some are welfare aspects - increasing scope eg child allowance, more of what ever it is. Reply effectively - we can't afford them. That said on the basis of everything will be costed = can't afford it.

Farage - I don't even know if he was there, However I did listen to his spouting on Radio 5 live. No problem with supporters other than one who pretended to be. Not so simple as asked what he was going to do about it. Immgration aspect, racial split in the NHS. Seems many nurses and docs move to Oz as will be paid twice as much. That was about the best he could come up with.

His views on net zero will go down well with some but it didn't with the interviewer. He singled out China for one but neglected to say that the spend way more on green energy than others. He doesn't even think about energy security and also the need to prepare and get involved in the work that will be needed. He just says us doing it wont change the totals world wide by much.
We do hear about the illegal economic migrants who are intercepted and ferried to Dover. Anyone hazard a guess how many make it to shore and are not recorded?
How come your beloved Brexit made sod all difference? In fact, its made it worse.

Dumb gammom brexers, lol.
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Actually visa immigration is set to fall.

The only answer to that from all is training.

The boat people are a far lower numbers. It's a problem but some aspects have been blown up out of the water. The problem is processing rates.
A bit extreme ?
;) Some might see it as an ideal solution - might be why I chose the term.
No my main feeling is the same as Farage - why are we not deporting 41% of them any more. Why did it stop?
My feeling is that there are 2 problems. The processing rate and probably trying to reduce numbers to the extent that refusals wont stand up in a court. Much like the earlier boat people and some times like other factors*. Eg cutting down the number of people who are ill and not working. It fell flat on it's face due to unrealistic expectation on the people concerned. They are now at it again. £12b for much the same thing. A bit of a change in that a rather small number will have money spent on them.

*;) I'm married to a teacher. Retired now but active during the dictated changes. Doesn't work so try a modification. Fact is certain changes have probably increased education levels but none of the others. Some teachers are still not being terribly good at it. More of a senior school problem. ;) Going on the one my son attended. Makes me wonder what the ofsted inspectors are at. This really should be a major aspect. Maybe they need instructions on various ways of getting ideas over to kids. It seems teachers are fairly easy to get but retention problems have been known to show.