Loads of Albanians

Currently it costs the tax payer £1.5bn a year. According to recent articles 60% are from Albania and many are not claiming Asylum but slipping in to the Albanian organised crime network.
Then the government needs to get its finger out and reclaim the borders. Oops, sorry that's what Brexit was all about.

Your comment certainly suggests that the border force are not identifying all the boats.
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I really can't understand what all the fuss about Albanians arriving is about.
If Albanians are not in need of asylum, the asylum process will determine that, and they will be sent home, won't they?
If they're not detected in entering UK, then the 'sovereign' UK government needs to sort it out.
Pressurise your MP for the government to stop stirring up hatred against foreigners and do what they're supposed to do.
Police the borders, and process the asylum seekers. Any unsuccessful asylum seekers need to be repatriated.
I see that Liz truss remarked in a recent speech

That she does not know if France is a friend or foe

Good for her

Macron responded with some
Allie waffle ???
That's one almighty gaffe for the current Foreign Secretary. The PM should sack her! :ROFLMAO:
There are umpteen companies offering holidays there ffs.
There are umpteen companies offering holidays in Saudi Arabia. That doesn't make it free from persecution for many.

There are probably many on this forum that have holidayed in Turkey.
Jamal Khashoggi walked into an embassy in Turkey and never came out alive.
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The whole problem is much simpler really. Nothing new about asylum seekers. Been about for years and not really caused any problems. Just ticking over. Numbers over time for various reasons increase. The system can't cope any more.

The fact that they have found a new way of getting here is only part of the entire problem. People can get anal and just worry about the uk but it's a problem in many areas. In 2021 the EU tried to cope with ~2.9 million of them. Turkey has 3.8m of them. France ~500,000 Germany ~1.25 million.

Some of that lot may decide to come here. Those numbers are refugee populations. Asylum is a different subject.

:mrgreen:You could say we are doing fairly well really - thanks to the channel.
Jamal Khashoggi walked into an embassy in Turkey and never came out alive.
A Saudi one and they are our "fiends". Sell them arms etc that have killed rather a lot of people.
If the millions of simps who spout the 'refugees welcome' bilge were strongly anti instead - don't you think politicians may change their stance?
Change their stance from what exactly? You seem to think there are welcome parties, invites and promises of milk and honey from people here in the UK. Who exactly are these politicians you speak of and how do they figure in the whole people smuggling thing? Are you saying that there are politicians that are actively smuggling these people across?

Are you suggesting that lefty libs are actively smuggling and they need arresting? Are you suggesting that without these lefty liberals that the whole people smuggling thing would cease overnight?

Can you clarify without being a ****?
That's not how it works. The people in favour of largescale immigration don't suffer the problems it causes like overcrowding and social problems. They're happily ensconsed in their ivory towers, looking down and telling the plebs not to be so uncharitable.
Go on then, tell us. See what you have understood from whats been said.

Who, actually, on this forum, are in favour of largescale immigration ? Name them; lets see how many there are? If there are any of course?

As I see it, its about how its controlled or not. Those shouting large about anti immigration are mostly right wing types supporting this very government that is (not) sorting the issue.

So your list of names please ?
Do you honestly think your comments will dissuade asylum seekers coming to UK and applying for asylum?

What do you think will be achieved by your anti-foreigner rant?

What do you think you will
Achieve by your anti UK rants / narrative ???
There is nothing left after Brexit, Tory chum Covid greed and Tory chum nest feathering. Albanians wont even get the crumbs.
I bet they get treated better and get access to more support than me, you or any one who has worked all their life and paid all their taxes.
There are umpteen companies offering holidays in Saudi Arabia. That doesn't make it free from persecution for many.

There are probably many on this forum that have holidayed in Turkey.
Jamal Khashoggi walked into an embassy in Turkey and never came out alive.
How many times does this need to be said. If someone is genuinely fleeing persecution, they should be happy stopping in the first country to offer them shelter ... not traverse across the world to get here.
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