Low inlet gas pressure - Worcester Greenstar 42CDI bolier

ChrisR said:
They've been adding a bit to the ACS recently, to emphasize that Meter working pressure can be 19mbar, and at full flow (say 60kW) the meter+governor can drop a further 4mbar.
Add your 1mbar pipe drop, and you get 14mbar as "acceptable" at the boiler.

I believe the words are Pressure Absorbtion or did it change :confused: If Transco test the working pressure at the ECV and its 19mbars then tough ti*ty Mr householder.
Bear in mind Chris that a U6 will flow 6 metres cubed/hour. Even a 42kw Worc doesnt use that much gas so the drop across the meter shouldnt be that great, but you are right in what you are saying.

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Hate to mention this again....
But people are using expressions like 'Working Pressure at the meter'. This is meaningless unless there is a flow rate specified. Theoretically, with a U6 this would be 6 cu/m per hour. But as has been discussed already in this thread, the WP is sliding away at a much lower flow rate than that.

On the evidence offered, this thread relates to a service pipe problem.

If National Grid has decided (under whichever regulations they wish to apply) that 14 (or 16, or 17.5mBar, or any other specific working pressure < 19mBar, at whatever flow rate) is 'acceptable', it's time NG talked to CORGI so that both can sing off the same hymnsheet!
quote="croydoncorgi"]Hate to mention this again....
But people are using expressions like 'Working Pressure at the meter'.

FFS :rolleyes: What is wrong with you fellah :rolleyes: It`s not rocket science. If a boiler demands a certain amount of gas to make it burn properly then I, as an engineer need to ensure that the meter supplying the boiler is doing it`s job.If I find the meter is not able to supply the volume of gas stated then I will question the Regulator & have it changed. If after having the Regulator changed & there is still a problem, then, & only then will I be able to diagnose a problem with the incoming mains.
Gasguru said:
I have to disagree with the above comments and am assuming your installer correctly knows how to mesure the working pressure at the meter outlet.

Firstly Transco (now Southern Gas Networks) quality of "engineers" can vary in their abilities by a considerable margin (I had 7 out on one job before they understood the problem - its real hit and miss affair).

They have measured the street pressure at 30 mbar which is fine.

Your installer measured 14 mbar working pressure at the meter which is very low - it should be 21 plus/minus 2 mbar.

There is either a problem with the governor on the meter or the service pipe from the street main to your meter is partially blocked. Transco engineers frequently do NOT know how to distinguish between the two faults.

Call Transco back and get them to resolve the problem. A domestic gas supply will easily handle your boiler. Unless they start to print anything to the contrary in your gas supply contract they are just making excuses.

It is often worth getting your installer to visit the surrounding properties to check the working pressures - you can then get a genuine idea of the street pressures. Sometimes if you are on the end of the distribution pipework the street pressure can be very low (14 mbar) and it is true to say there is nothing that can be done until the network is upgraded. Some parts of Mitcham experience these low pressures. However your street pressure appears OK.

They may change the governor (low cost to them) and still find a problem. That leaves a blocked service pipe (expensive repair to them) so they are often reluctant and make excuses. Last time a customer of mine had a problem they had the road up and a weeks work to sort out.

42Kw is nothing for a domestic meter, its equivalent to a "normal" sized combi and a cooker...routine installation.

A perfect diagnosis and explanation on the sixth post !!!

Now on six pages!!

WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU ALL ARGUING ABOUT :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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It isn't the point of view that's the problem Bamber, it's your inability to understand fairly basic stuff. You seem to have a blind spot on this one.
ChrisR said:
It isn't the point of view that's the problem Bamber, it's your inability to understand fairly basic stuff. You seem to have a blind spot on this one.

Fine, Chris, I am a competent gas engineer, I do, what I do, if I fall short then I am open to suggestions. If you have a point then I will listen. Do you have a valid point?

Obviously not, if you are going to throw your hat into the ring Chris, have the stomach to back yourself up. If you don`t have the balls, don`t waste my time.
I am more than happy to discuss anything you like regarding gas issues, installation issues & Regulations. What you waitin` for` :?: ;)

How can you have a serious debate with a coward who posts a comment, then runs away :rolleyes: Pathetic..
Bambergaspipe wrote

I am a competent gas engineer

The only thing you have been competent at on this thread is being a complete pillock. :rolleyes:
Balenza said:
Bambergaspipe wrote

I am a competent gas engineer

The only thing you have been competent at on this thread is being a complete pillock. :rolleyes:

Thanks. Your input was invaluable. Pity you never had anything to say apart from this. I can`t wait until you next decide to grace us with your next revelation. ( maybe you can call me a tw*at).If you would like to correct me on any points that I have made, feel free. I think you will find that I am generally right.
Bamber the nutter said:
How can you have a serious debate with a coward who posts a comment, then runs away Pathetic..
Debate? This isn't a debate! This is just a bunch of people pitying you for making such a tw*t of yourself. And while you're in the stocks for getting so much wrong, we can all lob a few tomatoes.
Every time one lands, there you go gobbing off again.

I am a competent gas engineer
No, you're confusing yourself with someone who knows what WP at the meter should be. Or is it that you're competent after six pages of ranting though you weren't at the beginning?

Wonder how many pages you'll go on digging for now ...?
This isn't a debate! This is just a bunch of people pitying you for making such a tw*t of yourself.

The only person embarrassing / making a tw*at of themselves here seems to be you.

And while you're in the stocks for getting so much wrong, we can all lob a few tomatoes.
Every time one lands, there you go gobbing off again.

I seem to have upset you, if you can control yourself for one minute, then maybe you can explain to me what I said was wrong.

I am a competent gas engineer
No, you're confusing yourself with someone who knows what WP at the meter should be. Or is it that you're competent after six pages of ranting though you weren't at the beginning?

Wonder how many pages you'll go on digging for now ...?

I`m wrong? tell me. Put up or shut up. ;) Calm down Dear, it`s only a website. You are a sh*ithouse & a coward Chris. prove me wrong by having the balls to carry on this conversation. I will show you up for the Charlatan that you truly are.

It`s obvious to all that you don`t have the integrity to finish what you started.What a wa*nker. :rolleyes:
This is just one topic in a veritable ocean of Bamber classics. I notice that some the prolifically abusive posts from last week have been summarily removed, which is a pity because that removes some (only some of it though) of the abundant illustrations of his buffoonery.

He's actually surpassed joe-90 for being spectacularly wrong in a mind-numbingly loud fashion.
Softus said:
This is just one topic in a veritable ocean of Bamber classics. I notice that some the prolifically abusive posts from last week have been summarily removed, which is a pity because that removes some (only some of it though) of the abundant illustrations of his buffoonery.

He's actually surpassed joe-90 for being spectacularly wrong in a mind-numbingly loud fashion.

Here he comes, regular as clockwork, tail end Charlie. Come to hover over the ashes have you Softus. Enjoy, fill your boots. :D you`re still a loser:cool:
I have no problem being labeled a loser by someone who's incapable of problem-solving and who can't get through a single topic without throwing vitreolic abuse at someone, or, more usually, everyone. :rolleyes:

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