Lucy Letby found guilty.

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Could it be an unsafe conviction. Was mental health ever considered , Or does her ethnicity discount this as a possibility?
I think we have to trust the jury on this. They were at it for months and the judge spoon fed them to help them understand every detail. Mental illness doesn’t get you off murder if you have the capacity to know you did wrong. You also have to run it as your defence.

My own gut feel says much of the evidence was circumstantial. But I wasn’t there for month after month hearing every detail.
some individuals I have known that have served on jury’s

Well blimey

They would be hard pushed to find there back sides in the dark with both hands and a torch
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It would have been pretty tough to be on that case as a juror. It might be an almighty miscarriage of justice but no obvious concerted effort to discredit the science by defence, they are only as good as their client.

I'm told that she only got away with it for so as she is white..
..... Can this be?
It seems the only witness called by the defence was a plumber, tne prosecution had two paeditricians as experts.

It seems the only witness called by the defence was a plumber, tne prosecution had two paeditricians as experts.


Plumbers come in all shapes and sizes with different honesty levels
Plumbers come in all shapes and sizes with different honesty levels
He answered honestly I would say, but its a bit of a weak defence to explain away a serial killer because of back flow in the waste pipes.

I suspect the only reason she got away with it so long, is because management backed the wrong horse and then tried to cover up their mistakes.

The other thing is people with psychopathy are very often very good and learning how to mask it.
It's only evidence of a crime (if there is evidence of unnatural cause). It doesn't prove you killed them.

Psychopathy is a highly effective, high risk, strategy from an evolutionary perspective. Lots of research on this.
The ability to use others as "assets" or "obstacles" without considering their needs. High risk - because they often get found out.
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