Male Police can strip search a female.

it’s entirely possible that colleagues don't know.
In which case a biological man could search a woman and, as you say, no one would know. That could happen irrespective of the policy wording, for any force.
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Contemplate what? The ability of the the person being searched to choose who searches her?
An officer is a representative of the organisation (the BTP) that they work for. Their decision is the organisations. The organisation is backed by the state, and is overwhelmingly male, including the biological male who identifies as a woman. Data protection law and the gender recognition act forbid the disclosure that a trans woman is biologically male. The detainee has no choice because she has no knowledge, and even if she did it couldn't be confirmed or denied.
Yes, that could happen in any force, including the Met.
Not if the BTP policy and the general law is followed. You are suggesting compliance with the law is achieved by BTP officers not following their own illegal policy. That is close to a backdown on your part.
In which case a biological man could search a woman and, as you say, no one would know. That could happen irrespective of the policy wording, for any force.
That reminds me of what a senior police officer said years ago; the only crime is getting found out.
The detainee has no choice because she has no knowledge, and even if she did it couldn't be confirmed or denied.
Fine. But, again, that could happen in any police force, if nobody knows then nobody knows, end of story.
That is close to a backdown on your part.
What? It was you who brought up the scenario where a man could search a woman because nobody would know he was in fact a man, not a woman.
You are suggesting compliance with the law is achieved by BTP officers not following their own illegal policy.
No I'm not, I'm not talking about compliance with anything, if nobody knows whether someone is trans, or a man, then any amount of policies or laws won't change that. Of course the officers would be non compliant, Met or BTP.
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That reminds me of what a senior police officer said years ago; the only crime is getting found out.
Not sure about that, but it would be true across all policing areas. The BTP aren't special in that regard.

If your main gripe is that a man could search a woman because no one is aware, not even the officers colleagues, then a change of policy won't help at all.
The gender recognition act does not supersede other legislation. Its scope and application is not limitless. The BTP interpretation ignores this.

A man does not become a woman without limitations. Sec 9 is clear.

A woman does not have any ability to choose who or what strip searches her. The policy addresses those who have a preference to be treated as the opposite, not so called “cisgender”.

But it’s pointless trying to explain it to those who’d prefer to remain ignorant.
if nobody knows then nobody knows, end of story.
I'm pretty sure that you can sometimes tell :) :)
Not sure about that, but it would be true across all policing areas. The BTP aren't special in that regard.

If your main gripe is that a man could search a woman because no one is aware, not even the officers colleagues, then a change of policy won't help at all.
If only they had some sort of enhanced security clearance as part of the onboarding, that includes full identity checks. Oh wait, they do.

If only someone could claim compensation for an illegal search if a police man, searched a woman not in accordance of with the law. Oh wait, they can.
a man could search a woman because no one is aware, not even the officers colleagues, then a change of policy won't help at all.
Correct, but extremely unlikely.

The chance of a man-woman being chosen to search a female - nill.
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