Man made climate change

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Another link with any words suggesting this process could have an affect on climate change.
Nothing to do with your OP. If you want to change your argument then be clear what you are claiming...
Nothing to do with your OP. If you want to change your argument then be clear what you are claiming...
Answer the question I posed then, rather than keep posting links that have no little relation to the question I posed.
If you think that climate change is man made, then do you also think that man parted the sea to walk into Israel & drown his enemies behind him ?

We have NEVER enjoyed a stable climate & man made C02 is but a fraction of 1 percent of the C02 mother nature releases each day. Why do we not see any of the effects of an increased level of C02 in our atmosphere? Why doesn't mother nature show us this? Why can we not 'measure' the C02 levels???

The climate is changing as it has always been changing. If you think it is "man made" & only "man" can save the world, then you are a fool.
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