Man made climate change

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If you think that climate change is man made, then do you also think that man parted the sea to walk into Israel & drown his enemies behind him ?

We have NEVER enjoyed a stable climate & man made C02 is but a fraction of 1 percent of the C02 mother nature releases each day. Why do we not see any of the effects of an increased level of C02 in our atmosphere? Why doesn't mother nature show us this? Why can we not 'measure' the C02 levels???

The climate is changing as it has always been changing. If you think it is "man made" & only "man" can save the world, then you are a fool.
What nonsense are you on about now?

CO2 is easily measured. Manua Loa in Hawaii is the definitive measuring station. CO2 is up to 417 ppm now, which is a huge rate of change.

And we do see the effect of increased CO2, that's why we have climate change/global warming.
Bit like Denso you take a lot of things on trust. Put a white coat on and you positively go weak at the knees.
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Your giving numbsculls a good run if you can't get the gist of the point nose.
I'm writing this slowly for you so you might geddit (even denso gets it a bit)
Man made goes at changing the weather, example, operation Popeye, don't get a hearing whether it might influence climate change.
Just to put people's minds at rest, how about ceasing doing it for 10 years or more so as to eliminate that from the scientists Hocus pocus hypothesis.
I know, that wont happen to much invested in it, just as there's to many who are invested in earning a living out of the particular climate change theory we're sold.
Improve your grammar, if you want to be taken seriously. Your posts are rambling, badly constructed nonsense.
Improve your grammar, if you want to be taken seriously. Your posts are rambling, badly constructed nonsense.
It's aimed at counting you out with good reason with some of the stuff you come out with I'd add.
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Read back your post to yourself and digest. It might come over as you see yourself as a nob to somebody who doesn't walk in your shoes.
Read back your post to yourself and digest. It might come over as you see yourself as a nob to somebody who doesn't walk in your shoes.
What does that even mean? Seriously, come back again when you're sober.
Sober as a judge, read back your post, you sound as delusional as Denso. You not see it ?

Climate change has always been a driving force behind evolution on planet Earth but for the first time in history, Humanity is playing a major role in those changes, there can be no doubt about that, although how much of a role is open to interpretation. Governments across the world have tried to ignore the issue; lobbyists have spread disinformation to protect corporate profits but still the climate changes, regardless of their denials.
Since WWII the rate of global warming has risen steeply, despite de-industrialisation in the West our governments Nuclear testing certainly led to that rate increasing, while China and India continue to burn fossil fuels at far larger levels than we ever have.
One of the benefits of this energy crisis we face can be a more urgent demand for greener energy, cleaner fuel, to protect our environment. We can do what we can and only try to persuade developing countries that it's worth their while to endure economic hardship to ensure the survival of our species.
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