Man made climate change

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Denso takes the word of scientists (they wear white coats) as gospel and you appear too as well.
Wasn't hard that was it?
Just pumps posted a link (post 4) in it it states 52 countries across the globe are using some form of weather modification program.
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Denso takes the word of scientists (they wear white coats) as gospel and you appear too as well.
Wasn't hard that was it?
Science isn't based on trust. It's based on what you can prove. I don't take the word of any in particular, but when 97% agree on something it's highly likely to be right.

I do believe that science is the only sensible way to get a true understanding of what is happening to the climate and the causes.
As the covid scam unravels on a daily basis, Sunak being a high profile figure coming out this week and saying "it wasn't me" We see how all the 'scientists' involved in the scam have packed up and took their dodgy graphs and charts back to where they belong, in the bin.
Do you not think out rulers have a set of scientists bought and paid for to do their bidding to push the envelope on 'climate change'?
Are you aware that there are some very heavyweight scientists who deny climate change can be man made . . . .

We are in very serious danger in believing that as climate change is man made then surely man can reverse it. By the time many of you realise that we can't it will already be too late.
Do you not think out rulers have a set of scientists bought and paid for to do their bidding to push the envelope on 'climate change'?
Over 99% of climate change scientists? No, that's just silly.

We see how all the 'scientists' involved in the scam have packed up and took their dodgy graphs and charts back to where they belong, in the bin.
No we don't.
Are you aware that there are some very heavyweight scientists who deny climate change can be man made . . . .
I saw Emily Maitles's speech
(start 10 minutes in) she referred to the supposed balanced presentation of programmes like Newsnight.
She said that they could find numerous scientists within 5 minutes who blamed climate change on humans' actions. Whereas it would take several hours to find someone who could offer a counter argument. But in the sense of balance, one of each proponent was presented to the public on TV. That's not a balanced situation, but it is presented as such.
Times precious, our lives are over in a blink of eye, so why get bogged down chewing the fat with those who cannot see.
You see it endlessly on here, people who spin their perceptions and prejudices with no hint of backing down in their pursuit of one-upmanship.
I started this thread to see what people thought about man made climate change might not be all it appears to be and offered man altering the weather might be contributing in some way. Example being the torrential rain in Australia highlighted in this thread, that got shouted down in the article and the conspiracy theory nutjobs were sidelined as .........conspiracy theory nutjobs. Far better to put it down to the man made climate change our leaders and eminent scientists would have us believe, no boat rocking allowed eh.
Times precious, our lives are over in a blink of eye, so why get bogged down chewing the fat with those who cannot see.
You see it endlessly on here, people who spin their perceptions and prejudices with no hint of backing down in their pursuit of one-upmanship.
I started this thread to see what people thought about man made climate change might not be all it appears to be and offered man altering the weather might be contributing in some way. Example being the torrential rain in Australia highlighted in this thread, that got shouted down in the article and the conspiracy theory nutjobs were sidelined as .........conspiracy theory nutjobs. Far better to put it down to the man made climate change our leaders and eminent scientists would have us believe, no boat rocking allowed eh.
Time is precious I agree. I don't waste mine on conspiracy theories.

Quite happy to let the scientists do their job
Interesting argument and as usual somewhat binary positions. Quick question for more learned folks. In the picture below Cot Valley near St Just in Cornwall. You can see about 1/3 the way up the cliff the remains of a beach - rounded stones etc that show the sea level many millennia ago before we escaped from Africa. So is climate change a return to normal with sea levels raising some 20 feet from where they are now?

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