Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

The ONS have provided figure footprint both ‘died with covid’ and ‘died from covid’

Ive posted them many times to shut you up, but you are so dishonest you ignore facts and continue spouting your lies.

Many ethnic minorities have an irrational distrust of Western medicine for historical reasons and won’t have the vaccine. You also have an irrational distrust and you spout endless nonsense to back up your irrational opinion.
Oh dear...

Yet again you ignore the changing methods of recording 'virus' deaths' not least by your very own beloved ONS...

You are now bereft of any logical arguments, so for some reason bring in a racial angle...

Keep on digging that hole of yours, it's getting beyond hilarious!
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Yet again you ignore the changing methods of recording 'virus' deaths' not least by your very own beloved ONS

the ONS have figures for both died from covid and died with covid, Ive posted them many times.

and every time I post them, you go quiet, then a few weeks later start spouting the same lies.

so for some reason bring in a racial angle

It’s not a racial angle, I’m pointing out a fact.

Perhaps it’s the reason you have an irrational fear of being vaccinated.
So then you support the inclusion of those hanged upon the gallows...
That is a total misunderstanding of how covid is recorded.

If it is the main cause then it is recorded as such, if it is a contributory factor then it is recorded as such,, therefore "with" or "of".

I can post the guidance for doctors if you wish. Trouble is when I did that before I was told it is fake because doctors lie.

Or you post some evidence to support your assertion if you would rather.
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... Ergo deaths "with COVID" was never a sensible metric regarding the severity of the disease.

You really must be one of the stupidest people every to have been born.
It was only ever a way to monitor and report trends, and it accomplished this, and allowed us to change policy to control the pandemic. It was always reported as 'deaths within 28 days of a positive covid test'. Some people misinterpreted this 2 years ago, and are still failing to understand it now. There's is no helping them though.

Largely, the science worked, the policy worked (accept early issues with care homes etc).

Most countries are back to normal, and most economies are larger than they were pre covid. UK is an exception, our economy is still in decline. The cause is not covid though. It's because 52% decided to shoot themselves in the foot.
That's was it was all about: money-making.
No it wasn't. There are far easier ways to give money away than inventing a worldwide pandemic and all that entails. You are deluded.
I've only just heard about this one. A poor fellow who lost his leg as a result of the vaccine.
220 cases in the UK

out of 149 million covid vaccinations given

why do you never post anything about the risks from covid, ie long covid

you arent interested in a balanced discussion
anti vaxxers are following the grief cycle, poor little lambs

All that money etc. Gov debt levels were high before it started - so they are now a bit higher % wise.
The downside really is business support debt which has to be paid back.

Anyway. doubters are likely to catch it at some point if they haven't already and then they can talk from experience. One of the curious things about infection spread is that it can pick up again after it's died away.. Slight signs that this is beginning to happen currently.

Re infection happens. A bit of an unknown other than it does. Reports on the effect of that aren't common.

The most common long covid seems to be a long period of not feeling well. Weak, can't concentrate and etc type of thing.

Gov and more jabs currently. I suspect they are saving money, it's the summer etc and levels are low.
Beats me why the argument still goes on for a cold virus less dangerous than flu. Why is the argument not centred around the flu vaccine, given that flu is more likely to kill you .
Beats me why the argument still goes on for a cold virus less dangerous than flu. Why is the argument not centred around the flu vaccine, given that flu is more likely to kill you .
Have you heard of the law that often for some reason works - it's called Murphy's.
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