Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

for a cold virus
Covid isn't the same as the cold.

Covid was a previously unknown virus that caused a worldwide pandemic. If we get a flu strain which has the same impact it will be taken just as seriously.
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Have you heard of the law that often for some reason works - it's called Murphy's.
Yes . Thankfully I don’t live my life by it .
Ironically your ‘for some reason works’ implies there’s an intervention behind it.
No doubt it will be lost on you.
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All that money etc. Gov debt levels were high before it started - so they are now a bit higher % wise.
The downside really is business support debt which has to be paid back.

Anyway. doubters are likely to catch it at some point if they haven't already and then they can talk from experience. One of the curious things about infection spread is that it can pick up again after it's died away.. Slight signs that this is beginning to happen currently.

Re infection happens. A bit of an unknown other than it does. Reports on the effect of that aren't common.

The most common long covid seems to be a long period of not feeling well. Weak, can't concentrate and etc type of thing.

Gov and more jabs currently. I suspect they are saving money, it's the summer etc and levels are low.
I know 2 people who caught covid this week for the first time. Bother higher risk groups.
It is still reaching people.
You are deluded.
Funny, I was just thinking that about you! Anyway, going back to Ellal's graph of "excess deaths" over the years I notice that there were rather a lot of excess deaths in 2018. What did you do about these? You have been very quiet about the excess deaths of 2018, you must be quite heartless. Did you wear a mask in 2018? In fact, there were a lot in 2015 as well; did you do anything to help then? Actually, there were excess deaths in every year on the bloody graph, which makes me wonder what the deaths were in excess of? I'd never heard the phrase "excess deaths" before covid, had you in all honesty? Has the term been around a while or is it phoney newspeak?
why do you never post anything about the risks from covid, ie long covid
I don't need to, it's already been written about. It's possibly the most written about subject of all time, sadly.
The latest research shows that "long COVID" doesn't actually exist - it's simply hypochondria.
Hypochondria can be very serious though, necessitating time off work.
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was dismissed for years as hypochondria, so don't be too quick to dismiss those who have Long Covid. People are different, to state the obvious, and react in different ways to viral infections.
I still don't understand the rage this mask on/mask off issue causes. How hard can it be to wear a piece of cloth over your nose and mouth for a while, out in public?
And these days it's not even required by law.
It's your right to choose.
The latest research shows that "long COVID" doesn't actually exist - it's simply hypochondria.
:ROFLMAO:class. a cold + hypochondria = covid.
As plausible as anything else i’ve heard in the last 2 years.
Anyway, going back to Ellal's graph of "excess deaths" over the years

Do you believe the government figures? The associated report explains all you need to know about excess deaths.

One of the antivaxxer crew posted a news item in support of their argument which contained, "siding with medical experts who said their coronavirus-damaged lungs would result in inordinate suffering".

Now the same person says they are suffering only from hypochondria. Strange that...
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