Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

And someone who died "with COVID" - but clearly not as a result of it in spite of what idiots like you believe:
Poor quality sources. You are new here but the usual denier sheeple dismiss the MSM and new reports (except TikTok) as fake news. Back to school for you...
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And someone who died "with COVID" - but clearly not as a result of it in spite of what idiots like you believe

No one claimed he with died "of" it, you made that bit up.

His team claimed, "siding with medical experts who said their coronavirus-damaged lungs would result in inordinate suffering". I thought it was just the cold?
No one claimed he with died "of" it, you made that bit up.

His team claimed, "siding with medical experts who said their coronavirus-damaged lungs would result in inordinate suffering". I thought it was just the cold?
Did it dawn on you that perhaps they might play up what it is to prevent him from being killed in front of spectators?
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Lol, did you learn that in a tik tok video?
It may actually benefit you to look at it yourself, it’ll give you a real idea what’s happening to real people in the real world. Not just the ‘facts’ and figures the government decides you should see.
It may actually benefit you to look at it yourself, it’ll give you a real idea what’s happening to real people in the real world. Not just the ‘facts’ and figures the government decides you should see.
This may come as a shock to you, but there are better non-government media outlets than Tik Tok.
They do require you to read articles rather than listen to some idiot shouting from his car though.
Nothing in that article suggested that he was recorded as dying with covid, or because of covid. It was just about whether he should be allowed to recover before his execution. Do you actually read the links you post?
By definition he died with COVID. That is the point. He met many countries' requirements to be listed as a "COVID" death. Are you incapable of understanding that?
By definition he died with COVID. That is the point. He met many countries' requirements to be listed as a "COVID" death. Are you incapable of understanding that?
Yes, you are making that point. But nobody else is.
Have you seen Corey Johnson's death certificate? Has anybody ever claimed he died because of Covid?
That article has nothing to do with this claim you are making. Again, you either did not read it, or are just trolling. Either way, you seem very silly.
Why do you need to emphasise ’the virus’

please explain why you do it.

If you can’t then Inshall have to assume it’s because you don’t believe it’s real
Have you heard of the following phrase?

'assumptions are the mother of all f*ck ups'! :giggle:
So do you believe that the questionable numbers regarding deaths because of the 'virus' are correct?

But you just posted the government figures in a graph to show excess deaths? Do you believe the figures or don't you?
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