Mask wearing does help reduce community transmission

Interesting video. Resurrection of an odd factor. In terms of life reaching 50 gets people over the first hurdle. Far more likely to achieve old age.

That one hasn't come out of the cupboard for a very long time. What an excellent time to bring it up again.
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:( I've just tested positive. So my turn to find out what it is like.
hope its not too bad for you
:) I don't want to say much in case it gets worse. Murphy etc.

Just like a cold or flu tough - afraid it's not for me. Feeling rather knocked about at the moment.
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All cause mortality across the world didn't increase in 2020, it is now though, since 2021, in fact the most vaccinated countries, such as Portugal and Israel are seeing problems with both Covid and increased mortality figures. Masks are a waste of time, every historical study on them has failed to show any benefit, and not all surgeons wear them either, but when they do, they change them every hour and wear them in a controlled environment.
without evidence you are stating opinin as fact

unlike me

face masks do work:

Additional empirical evidence from a recent randomised controlled trial (originally published as a preprint) indicates that mask wearing achieved a 9.3% reduction in seroprevalence of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and an 11.9% reduction in the prevalence of covid-19-like symptoms
without evidence you are stating opinin as fact

unlike me

face masks do work:
So since you appear to claim to be the font of all knowledge on the topic of masks...

Given that China/Asia has a fairly long history of mask wearing (which has essentially become the 'social norm'), most 'virus' outbreaks apparently originate from that region...

Could you explain why?
Presenting 'empirical evidence' from the same people promoting the lie isn't very compelling to be honest.

Please provide the evidence that and British Medical Journal are promoting lies

You are just a conspiracist theorist and your only argument is: "my information is better than yours"
most 'virus' outbreaks apparently originate from that region...

You don't believe covid exists, so in your world there were no outbreaks and therefore masks are useless.
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